Need some help with this one, Cosmo...

Customer Service

I have a bit of problem. Not a bad problem, I will be leaving Iraq by the end of this month. Finally. I got an e-mail stating Pathfinder #2 will be shipping in about a week. Is there anyway you can hold on to it for me until I get you a new address?

That may not be until I get back to Ft. Sill. Which may not occur til the end of November. I am going on leave the begining of December, and won't be back until January. But I can deal with them waiting in the Hospital mail room at Sill, as opposed to them getting lost in mail limbo somewhere in the Middle East.

Is this at all feasible Cos?

Paizo Employee Director of Sales

Mulban wrote:

I have a bit of problem. Not a bad problem, I will be leaving Iraq by the end of this month. Finally. I got an e-mail stating Pathfinder #2 will be shipping in about a week. Is there anyway you can hold on to it for me until I get you a new address?

That may not be until I get back to Ft. Sill. Which may not occur til the end of November. I am going on leave the begining of December, and won't be back until January. But I can deal with them waiting in the Hospital mail room at Sill, as opposed to them getting lost in mail limbo somewhere in the Middle East.

Is this at all feasible Cos?

Yes. And it is done.

If you take a look at your My Subscriptions page, you will see that your Pathfinder subscription has been suspended. I have also canceled the order for your Pathfinder #2. When you get to a stable address, just drop me a line and we will un-suspend your sub and get your Pf#2 shipped out at that time.

Thank you very much for the notification!


Thanks Cos. I looked for this thread and couldn't find it. I had to do a search for my name. Will I be able to download #2? I found out last night that I can do that over here with little aggravation.

Paizo Employee Director of Sales

Mulban wrote:
Thanks Cos. I looked for this thread and couldn't find it. I had to do a search for my name. Will I be able to download #2? I found out last night that I can do that over here with little aggravation.

Unfortunately, no, you will not be able to download Pf#2 because the shipment has been canceled. The delivery of the PDFs is intimately tied to the shipment of the books, so I can't really do one and not the other without messing the whole thing up. However, as soon as you give us a stable shipping address, I can get the subscription restarted as soon as possible so you can get your PDF right away.

I will send you an email with further details, so please check your inbox!


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