What year is it?

Savage Tide Adventure Path

... or better yet, what day, month and year would be a good time to start the Savage Tide in Oerth time?

Larissa's Journal has dates in the year 593, so obviously it is some time after that, accounting for return travel time etc.

Also, knowing what we know about Earth's oceans and trying to reason with hurricane season I think that puts the start date some time around Reaping or Goodmonth (or later) after High Summer and Richfest.

So does 595 sound reasonable for the year?

Anyone steeped in Oerdian lore have better info?

What about the creators of this fine work, when did you plan to set this adventure on its path?


Liberty's Edge

Expedition to the Ruins of Greyhawk tags the current year as 597 CY.

I think Mr. Jacobs, Mona and Bulmahn would approve, since they are its authors :)

The Exchange Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 6

Pygon wrote:

Expedition to the Ruins of Greyhawk tags the current year as 597 CY.

I think Mr. Jacobs, Mona and Bulmahn would approve, since they are its authors :)

Since 592/2002, the current Greyhawk year has been "publication year - 1410". 591 covered both 2000 and 2001.

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