Best Way to Store Older Dragon Magazines

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

Liberty's Edge

I remember when I was about 12 years old and played 1E (or AD&D as we called it back in the golden years before thoughts of 2E, Wizards of the Coast etc))

Where was I? Oh yeah ...

I read and loved my Dragon magazines (my first issue was about number 41 or so). The one thing I did NOT love was the fact that, because they were saddle stitched, the covers inevitably came off. Of course, I didn't exactly treat those issues with protective white gloves either ... I was just a kid after all.

Now I'm all grown up and presumably smarter. I recently came across some old issues of Dragon in pretty good condition and I want them to STAY that way.

So the question is: for those of you that have older saddle stitched issues of Dragon, how do you store them? Do you use those clear magazine / comic book bags? That's what I'm thinking I will do, but I thought I would see what everyone else does ...



I have used the magazine bags, and if I use a map from one I'll tape a 3 ring page protector to it with the pull out.

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