Arcane Dragons from Dragon Mag 343 (Help appreciated!)

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

Alright, I don't think im crazy, and my magazine doesn't seem to have any page errors, so can someone explain to me just what happened to the Arcane dragon in Mag issue 343?

There's one page of text on it, in a manner that alludes to a full stat block, rather than some sort of template, but on the next page it starts the Hex dragon entry, with the Arcane dragon floating away on the breeze into obscurity.

Can someone, maybe a Paizo official, give me some info into this mysterious dragon? My wife and I are trying to design an "eldritch dragon", and this seemed like a good place to start.

Except for the fact that it isn't actually there!

The arcane dragon is a grouping of dragons, consisting of the hex dragon and tome dragon. In other words, arcane dragon is to hex and tome and chromatic dragon is to red and blue, or metallic dragon is to gold and silver.

Thanks, something about the way the page break is presented made that really hard for me to get. I didn't see it until I noticed that both the Hex and Tome have good manuverability, which is a perk of being an Arcane Dragon.

Took me a while to put that 2 and 2 together, it did.

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