Best of Dragon, Volumes 1,2 & 5 ???

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

Liberty's Edge

In the Dragon - Special Issues section of Paizo's Products portion of the web site, they list Best of Dragon vol, 2 & 5. Wasn't there a vol 2 and 3? It can't be that Paizo doesn't list them becuase they don't have copies to sell, becuse many other issues are listed as unavailable. They still have a listing.

Any info on this?

Dark Archive Contributor

Marc Radle 81 wrote:

In the Dragon - Special Issues section of Paizo's Products portion of the web site, they list Best of Dragon vol, 2 & 5. Wasn't there a vol 2 and 3? It can't be that Paizo doesn't list them becuase they don't have copies to sell, becuse many other issues are listed as unavailable. They still have a listing.

Any info on this?

Yes, there were Best ofs #2 and #3. Not sure why they're not listed, unless we don't even have copies in our archives...


BOD2 and BOD3 were my favorites. New dragons, rules for making armor out of dragonhide, the introduction of cantrips, more spells, rules for spellbooks, gates, liches, the archer class, the alchemist class, blah blah blah ... all good stuff.

BoD 3 and 4 were my favorites, though I had all of them.

five had a few excellent articles though.

- Ashavan

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