Forgotten Realms, 100 years, Plague, Furture, Drizzt, Salvatore, What?


I just read a sample chapter from Salavatore's up coming Drizzts book. I'm so confused. It's a 100 years in the furture. The realms are shot to hell by a plague and planes joinning. The orc kingdom is one of the few safe places. Drizzt is more angsty and maybe more paladiny and protecting orcs. 100 years I'm guessing Wulgar, Catti, and the rest are dead. I'm so confused.


I figure there changing the Realms for 4th Ed.

Dude, what are you talking about? It's a few months after the last novel, from what I can tell. Bruenor is definitely still alive (all you have to do is look at the product info on the WotC website to see that!). I would think that simply because Drizzt has Taulmaril doesn't mean Cattie-Brie is dead or anything like that. It could be that Cattie-Brie is elsewhere, doing other things. You can't guess at the content of an entire novel by reading one chapter.

Fizzban wrote:

I just read a sample chapter from Salavatore's up coming Drizzts book. I'm so confused. It's a 100 years in the furture. The realms are shot to hell by a plague and planes joinning. The orc kingdom is one of the few safe places. Drizzt is more angsty and maybe more paladiny and protecting orcs. 100 years I'm guessing Wulgar, Catti, and the rest are dead. I'm so confused.


I figure there changing the Realms for 4th Ed.

It goes something like this.

People that hate the Realms have complained about the Chosen, any high level characters, Mystra, the Weave, and too many good guys and good nations. So, in order to attract more people to the setting, everything in the setting that people don't like (even if they aren't fans of the setting and make comments based on second hand observations) has been gotten rid of.

Because now everyone that has any complaints about the setting will now automatically follow the setting, and everyone that is already a fan will buy it because Drizzt and Elmisnter are still alive, and there is a FR logo on the book. Or so the thought process goes.

rockfall22 wrote:
Dude, what are you talking about? It's a few months after the last novel, from what I can tell. Bruenor is definitely still alive (all you have to do is look at the product info on the WotC website to see that!). I would think that simply because Drizzt has Taulmaril doesn't mean Cattie-Brie is dead or anything like that. It could be that Cattie-Brie is elsewhere, doing other things. You can't guess at the content of an entire novel by reading one chapter.

King Obould VI so that would be the sixth genaration of Many Arrows.

The Orcs have a kingdom that has borders and openly trades with elves and dwarves. You know that would only take a year after a massive race war...

From the Orc King:
Drizzt could not disagree. Many times over the last CENTURY, the Kingdom of
Many-Arrows had known inner turmoil, most often, as was still the case, brewing
from a rival group of orcs. The old cults of Gruumsh One-eye had not flourished
under the rule of the Oboulds, but neither had they been fully eradicated.

From the Orc King:
Drizzt:..."And in that HUNDRED YEARS of chaos, amidst the coming of darkness, few
have escaped the swirl of destruction, but we have flourished. Can you say the
same for Thay? Mulhorand? Sembia?"...So 100 years

Human life span...

In the last book the war was still raging if it's been only a couple of months then that have built entire kingdoms in a few weeks.

Many-Arrows has had 5 kids and named them all the same thing and the six of his line has taken the throne (in a few months).

And Salvatore has redefined the words hundred and century.

Also check wizard's boards or Salvatore's boards and you'll see alot of others who got 100 years in the future thing to.


Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher


Scarab Sages

Sounds cool. The change will be nice. Wonder if the assassin and/or the dark elf Jaraxle will make an appearance? When's this next book's release date?


Thoth-Amon the Mindflayerian wrote:

When's this next book's release date?


25th of Sept.


Erik Mona wrote:

Yeah, but its okay Erik, because this will attract tons of people to the setting that hate it now, and they'll end up loving the setting passionately. And the hidebound old fans like us, we'll realize that this is "better" then what has come before, and overall its better for the industry, so if it has a FR logo, it has to be good.

Yup, I'm settled into this.

Dark Archive

Yea, it seems like the entire Forgotten Realms got a taste of Wizards new "Points of Light" thing...

Netheril apparently returns to prominence. Thay, Mulhorand and Sembia takes a solid blow. The spellplague wreaks havoc across the entire world. The aboleth "comes". "The cataclysmic joining of two worlds". Eilistrae and/or her faithful take a beating.

All these things really only have me more excited about the Forgotten Realms than ever before...

Atrocious wrote:

Yea, it seems like the entire Forgotten Realms got a taste of Wizards new "Points of Light" thing...

** spoiler omitted **

All these things really only have me more excited about the Forgotten Realms than ever before...

Yeah I have been trying to figure more out, and I really want to know more about an aboleth invasion. I was hating 4th, but this is making me want to give in.

I will say I'm likely Drizzt's new additude. It was almost haulty noblish or old solider kind of shut the hell up I was there. I was on the front lines when the s@@# hit the fan. Now I'm cleaning it up and you WILL NOT question me.


Atrocious wrote:
Eilistrae and/or her faithful take a beating.

Yays, those goody-goody dark elves needed a beating.

Ok I just read that only the prologue and epilogue will be in the future. So I guess you can look at this as a slow creep of 4th ed. putting it's hands in everything. Damn and here I was starting to get a bit more respect for that lonely angsty drow.


Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Just making sure I have this straight...

4E Realms = Faerun after one hundred years of disaster and prolonged wars that have ravaged the continent.

There will be warforged and a trans-Faerunian train in this Forgotten Eberrealms, right?

Liberty's Edge

Hey. Thay and Mulhorand could be the Mournlands.

Ohhh, it's the Eberrealms ....

Dark Archive

Rhavin wrote:
Atrocious wrote:
Eilistrae and/or her faithful take a beating.
Yays, those goody-goody dark elves needed a beating.

And not just the dark elves, we should make a "hit-list" of who should die. I nominate: Elminster Aumar, Mystra, Piergeiron Paladinson, Waterdeep, Alustriel Silverhand, Dove Falconhand, Storm Silverhand, Laeral Silverhand Arunsun, Alassra Silverhand, Qilué Veladorn, Khelben Arunsun (guess WoTC beat me to it), Halaster (once again, WoTC), 90% of the epic level NPCs, 90% of the retired adventurers owning an inn/tavern...

Anyone else?

In the transition from second edition to third edition, the changes were minimal, which led to many people being quite comfortable using second edition fluff with third edition crunch.

It makes sense from a marketing standpotint to make changes much more cataclysmic to make the third edition fluff obsolete and "change the face of the realms."

I just rewatched the Simpson's episode "Simpson and Delilah" in which Homer is promoted after his hair grows back. He asks Lisa what he can buy her. She Says "An absense of mood swings and some stability in my life". That kind of sums up what I want from the Forgotten Realms.

Since being inculcated into the cult of Greyhawk by Paizo, I am really glad that Wotc has left the setting the frack alone. It has a continuous history, despite some weirdness in the nineties. Let the realms get its novels and continuities. Make mine Oerth.

I do not care which of the "personalities" of the Realms live or die, but for the sake of convenience, they should just kill off the ones with "silver" "ster" or "sun" in the name.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Atrocious wrote:

Yea, it seems like the entire Forgotten Realms got a taste of Wizards new "Points of Light" thing...

** spoiler omitted **

All these things really only have me more excited about the Forgotten Realms than ever before...

Really? It seems to lead to the things I've hated the most about the Realms. All the things happening that players have no control or infuence over. *Sigh*

Well I figured if they were blowing up the realms, I'd be leaving it behind. It sounds like that's the case.


Scarab Sages

The Last Rogue wrote:

Well, you know I always kinda disliked the realms as being too big, too renaissance, too epic, etc...

But, it has a very loyal following today who likely enjoy it the way it is. The cynic in me agrees that this is intended to break continuity in order to resell fluff as well as the crunch.

The fiendish cynic in me thinks that if the new Drizzt book only has this "future" in the prologue and epilogue, then this is still a testing of the waters. You know, see if all the fans of the setting will light their torches and grab their pitchforks in fury over the change.

After all, they can play the alternate world/future/time travel/or 'Drizzt is his own mother' card & ignore it if things go wrong.

Dark Archive

Fizzban wrote:

I just read a sample chapter from Salavatore's up coming Drizzts book. I'm so confused. It's a 100 years in the furture. The realms are shot to hell by a plague and planes joinning. The orc kingdom is one of the few safe places. Drizzt is more angsty and maybe more paladiny and protecting orcs. 100 years I'm guessing Wulgar, Catti, and the rest are dead. I'm so confused.

I figure there changing the Realms for 4th Ed.

This is from the "So Saith Ed (Greenwood the FR creator)" portion of and is dated JAN 2, 2007 -

Quote- No, Toril is not (and never was) a moon. But (though NDAs prevent me from saying one word more on this), I remind scribes that the name is Abeir-Toril, and for the last few decades, all we've seen is Toril. Hint. Hint.

i'm saw on another thread about how Toril had supplanted Aber-Toril over the past decades. The signigicance of this is Aber-Toril translated to "cradle of life"... With the turmoil of the Spellplauge, return of Netheril, the "joining of 2 worlds", et al... "cradle of life" would not be such an apt name anymore. Hence the shortend Toril (Life - or what passes for it 100 yrs from present continuty). So FR gets the full WotC treatment and becomes an official "Points of Light" world.

I bring this up because the statment was issued in Jan 2 - so as far as Ed Greenwood was concerned his shared world was already slated for upheavals from that point on...

Pity. All good things do come to an end...

Well at least we still have Dragon magazine ... er

At least we still have the succubi to shower us with thier charms ... um, wait. nevermind

Scarab Sages

Taliesin Hoyle wrote:
Since being inculcated into the cult of Greyhawk by Paizo, I am really glad that Wotc has left the setting the frack alone. It has a continuous history, despite some weirdness in the nineties. Let the realms get its novels and continuities. Make mine Oerth.

I never thought I'd say this, but...amen brother! Maybe it is best that they don't put anything out for Greyhawk.

The original boxed set is going for about $8.00 on E-bay..........2 96 page booklets, 4 huge maps with clear overlays......192 pages of simplicity goodness.

However, I'm thinking that some people get off on making things dramatic and overly complex, so this is a win win situation, right ;)

Liberty's Edge

Taliesin Hoyle wrote:
I do not care which of the "personalities" of the Realms live or die, but for the sake of convenience, they should just kill off the ones with "silver" "ster" or "sun" in the name.

This should, in general, take care of most problems in gaming.

Dark Archive

Just got my copy of "Grand History of the Realms" (a great book, and a must have for any Realms fan), its final pages shed some light on the events mentioned in "The Orc King".

Let's just say the realms are about to change. Although some of the things mentioned are not "new" to realms scholars.



-Another Netherese enclave rises from ruin to join Shade, sparking the rebirth of Netheril.
-Halaster dies while working some mighty ritual in the bowels of Undermountain.
-Zhentarim invade Shadowdale and ruin Elminsters tower, but are later pushed out of Shadowdale, Scyllua Darkhope dies and Fzoul Chembryl publicly blames her for the Zhent defeat and refuses to resurrect her.
- Thay attacks Rashemen but are defeated.
-Undead attack Thay.
-The Zulkirs of Transmutation and Evocation die, Szass Tam attempts to become the regent of Thay, but is defeated.
-Vhaeraun dies attempting to assassintate Eilistrae, Selvetarm is killed by a knight of Eilistrae.
-The Shrinshee returns to Myth Drannor and gives the Ruler's Blade to Isevele Miritar who becomes the new corronal.
-Kiaransalee's name disappears from the realms because of elven high magic and she is forgotten and she "fades from existence".
- An earthquake shakes the Asylum island of Brynnlaw off the coast of Amn and the inmates escape.
-War [four days] between Cormyr and Shade.
-Mulhorand conquers the remains of Unther.
-Myth Drannors mythal is restored.
-Moradin leads the dwarven gods to attack Hammergrim; Gorm Gulthyn, Haela Brightaxe, Laduguer and Deep Duerra die. Hammergrimm disappears from existence.
-Azoun V takes the throne of Cormyr.
-Tyr kills Helm.
-Cyric kills Mystra and Dweomerheart crumbles, killing Savras and tossing Azuth and Velsharoon unto the Astral Plane. The weave crumbles and magic runs wild across Faerun and the surrounding planes, thousands of mages are driven insane or destroyed. This becomes known as the Spellplague.
-The weave's destruction marks the end of the old world and the beginning of a terrible new.

Atrocious wrote:

Just got my copy of "Grand History of the Realms" (a great book, and a must have for any Realms fan), its final pages shed some light on the events mentioned in "The Orc King".

Let's just say the realms are about to change. Although some of the things mentioned are not "new" to realms scholars.

Do they still cook that wonderful ham in High Dale? That's all that really matters to me ;)

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Griselame wrote:
Do they still cook that wonderful ham in High Dale? That's all that really matters to me ;)

That's funny to me. I just sat down with my Volo's guides a few days ago. Love those books.

Atrocious wrote:

Just got my copy of "Grand History of the Realms" (a great book, and a must have for any Realms fan), its final pages shed some light on the events mentioned in "The Orc King".

Let's just say the realms are about to change. Although some of the things mentioned are not "new" to realms scholars.

*spoilers omitted*

Some of this stuff doesn't really bother me, since the Dalelands/Shade/Zhent stuff happens in those huge Forgotten Realms adventures they just published. So, I mean, if it's going to happen at least one's players can witness/attempt to prevent it themselves.

Matthew Morris wrote:
Griselame wrote:
Do they still cook that wonderful ham in High Dale? That's all that really matters to me ;)
That's funny to me. I just sat down with my Volo's guides a few days ago. Love those books.

Yeah, I love those books too. They gave so much life to the Realms, much much more than any monster chart or NPC guide they ever did! And the general tone and illustrations were brilliant too. I use these books to flesh out my adventures more than anything else...

Miss Volothamp Geddarm!

It's my sincere hope that the Pathfinder Gazetteers will follow in the spirit of Volo's guides.

Dark Archive

I was the biggest Realms goob for years. Bought everything, even the novels. I'd managed to convert my entire gaming group from Greyhawk, and was pretty darn proud of myself.

Then the Time of Troubles came along and mucked up a lot of stuff I liked and replaced it with some really lame (IMO) concepts. (Yeah, that was a smooth move ganking the gods of the assassins and illusionists, only to find out a month later that they were re-introducing Assassins as a PrC and Illusionists as a wizard option, and not actually getting rid of them completely, as first claimed! Oops! Brilliant move, ganking Bane as well, only to have to bring him back, 'cause he was ten times more popular than either of his replacements!)

My friends forgave me my proselytizing and let me come back to Greyhawk. Now I hear that the FR is undergoing about twenty times the epic clusterbombing that drove me away in the first place and I smile ruefully at the dude I used to be.

They seriously should get rid of the whole 'goddess of magic' thing. Those suckers die faster than Orcs. I'm pretty sure you couldn't get me to worship a god that croaks again before I can finish reading the darn prayerbook...

And the whole "'Spoiler' is killed by a knight of Eilistrae." thing? Wow, that must be a pretty rockin' PrC, if a 'knight' of the goddess of dancin' nekkid in the moonlight can gank a war-minded demigod. Quite the divine body-count, for a peaceful good goddess who's all about leaving that life behind. Her momma (who hasn't killed nearly that many gods, despite being chaotic evil and way tougher) must be real proud!

Liberty's Edge

Yet another case of Wizards missing the boat, in my (probably wrong) opinion. The way I see it is, WotC was inundated by FR-haters, so they (most likely in conjunction with that fifty-year-old emo kid Salvatore), decided to change the over-arching story to suit fourth edition's screwed-up mindset. Oops. The FR-haters didn't mind the story. It was the setting that they hated. Oh, well. It isn't like they haven't alienated fans before...

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