Bloody Shadow Pearl (spoiler)

Savage Tide Adventure Path

At the end of Tides of Dread, Vanthus rubbed his shadow pearl on his bleeding forehead, was struck dead, and dropped the pearl. A PC monk caught it and now is the proud owner of a bloody shadow pearl, which seems to be as dangerous as being the owner of a hand grenade missing its pin.

So, if the shadow pearl gets a good shock (equivalent to being dropped on the ground) it'll go off. Does it ever reset?

I was thinking about having it disarm once Vanthus's blood dried, but it'll be more fun to leave it open ended.

How did your PCs store/dispose of the bloody shadow pearl?

The shadow pearl, once smeared with blood, resets after one minute or 10 rounds I believe if not activated.

Yep, you're right, it resets after a minute. Thanks.


in my game, the party came very very close to smashing the pearl themselves. Vanthus had just dropped, and the dervish had a penchant for smashing first, then thinking about asking questions.

luckily for them, the monk managed to jump on the pearl to keep him from doing so.

they carried it around for quite a while, before bringing it to the court of the stars (they were there for something else, i forget what exactly), and asked an eladrin to get rid of it.

so, a disintigrate later, no more pearl.

-the hamster

The Exchange

Or, you can put it in sealed steel box (or magical equivalent), give it a good whack and wait a few minutes.

Liberty's Edge

Thomas Austin wrote:
Or, you can put it in sealed steel box (or magical equivalent), give it a good whack and wait a few minutes.

Schroedinger's Pearl?

Tessius wrote:

Schroedinger's Pearl?


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