First impressions

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

Liberty's Edge

I haven't gotten my print copy of Pathfinder yet (since I live in Illinois, I don't find this in any way shocking) but I have looked at the PDF version that comes free with my subscription. (Wonderful policy, by the way) and I love it. Great, interesting new monsters, a very compelling adventure that makes me want to rethink my policy against using published adventures, a truly unique take on goblins, and beautiful artwork. I do miss the more eclectic feel of Dragon magazine, but there's plenty in here to keep me coming back for a LONG time. It's worth mentioning that I wasn't feeling skeptical, but I will still miss what you guys did with Dragon.

I was totally astounded to find Pathfinder waiting at my door this Saturday. It gave me the impetus to finally finish reading, with loving attention, the last few pages of the last Dungeon which I had been cherishing.

I opened up the packaging and pulled out my new "book" with relish. I was sorry to see that it had been damaged a little in the shipping process, but that stuff happens sometimes. Flipping through it, I was happy with the quality of the paper (very much like the magazine quality). I appreciated the scoring on the cover which allows you to fold it back and not hurt the binding. Nice attention to detail.

The artwork is beautiful and liberally sprinkled throughout the issue. The new monsters are generally cool and unusual looking, and I had a number of pleased and excited exclamations come from my players on that count. From what I can tell so far, the writing is just as good as it's always been (no surprise there of course). There seems to be a great deal of content within the book.

I have only one "complaint", though perhaps it would be better to call it constructive feedback. The font is way way too small. I can only imagine the decision making process which went into this (larger font = more pages = much more expensive to produce = even riskier foray into the brave new world without Dungeon and Dragon). However, I must admit that I feel as though the font is small enough that it is going to affect my job and enjoyment as a DM. Oops sorry, we're OGL now, that should be "GM". There is enough information buried in there (I'm sure) that it's going to be much harder to pore through the text in the middle of the action to find that one thing that you want to know. The room is going to have to be very well lit so as not to hurt my poor eyes. Please please consider what you can do to make that text at least as large as in the magazine.

Otherwise, it looks like an exciting new product, and I'm happy to be a subscriber. Thanks Paizo!

I'm hoping mine arrives today, with all the good things being said about Pathfinder, I really want to get this into my hands and have a look for myself.

I, too, have yet to receive my printed copy, but I, too, have looked through the PDF and, aside from a minor criticism already chronicled in a nearby, bloated thread, loved it.

The idea of an insane, Chaotic Evil aasimar pledging their body and soul to sowing the seeds of evil sits rather well with me. Furthermore, I am very much smitten with Barghests and was wonderfully pleased to see Malfeshnekor. I enjoyed the bit of murder made to show that goblins are indeed wicked and dangerous. I have high hopes for the next two adventures, and would weep for joy if there were a side article with custom poisons somewhere (a la The Toxins of Cerilon).

(Actually, I liked the small font.)

Liberty's Edge

I am hoping as well, I am holding off looking at the pdf to enjoy the purity of opening and reading something brand new. OH good god what a dork i am.

Paul Hedges wrote:
I am hoping as well, I am holding off looking at the pdf to enjoy the purity of opening and reading something brand new. OH good god what a dork i am.

Not at all; I wanted to do the same thing, but was too weak to resist...

The contents of Pathfinder #1 are astounding. The page count is deceptive, because it's jammed full of more content than I'd thought could fit in 96 pages. It's going to take me a while to fully digest the contents. The sidebars are perfect (especially pg 17: "regardless of how many NPCs you kill off.") and the writing, especially the background info, is superb. I find I really don't mind the font size, though it's a touch smaller than I was expecting. I guess I really shouldn't be surprised, though.

Special mention should be made of the color coding. Each section having its own colored header and background makes finding content later on much easier than on so much easier. Stroke of genius, I have to say.

Hey Everyone,

I got my copy this weekend and I was very happy. However, when I went to read it I found the font to be much too small for me. Unfortunately, it is so small that it discourages me from using the product to run my players through. I was throughly disappointed. I really have loved all of the adventure paths up until this moment. I remember reading the Shackled City and loved it. My players are almost finished with Age of Worms and are extremely happy and I was so looking forward for one more adventure path before 4th edition. I was truly hoping to run Rise of the Runelords, but I don't think I will be able too. I know that it would have been more expensive to print the book with larger font, but I would rather pay more for something that I can use, then pay less for a product that does not work for me. Maybe you guys can put out a "large font for the elderly" version :)

On a very serious note, you should realize that if I am discouraged by the font and I am writing you about it, hoping for Paizo to change it decision for future products, then there are at least 10 others behind me that are just putting the book down, for good, and not letting you guys know why.

Here's hoping to see a large font in the future...

The Exchange

Just in case the editors are keeping track, mark me down for smaller fonts and more stuff in the book. I'll read with a magnifying glass if I have to, just don't cut good content!

I agree with Luke. I'd rather have the smaller font and more content if that's the choice. If there are other choices, I'd certainly enjoy a larger font for greater ease of use.

I just received my print copy.

For all the good that the PDF is, it doesn't do the print justice.

I feel bad for those that find the font too small. With my poor eyesight, without any lights on in my mostly underground apartment, and only my door open on this very sunny day, I can read it.
Granted, it takes work. But I can do it and feel no fault towards the font.

I am one that finds no fault with the current layout. But I do hope you can work it so that more can enjoy it - without hurting the content level.

Scarab Sages

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

I like the small font.

Small font means more content!

Scarab Sages

Well, I got mine saturday. It just took me until now to put my feelings into words. I do very much like Pathfinder, for what it is, it's great. But it's not Dragon. I think my perception of what Pathfinder was going to be was wrong. I wasn't expecting the absolute flood of material about Goblins, or the towns and countryside.
I was hoping for some of the content to relate to D&D in general, not just to this particular adventure or campaign. I guess I was hoping for an OGL version of Dragon, along with all the stuff that was actually in there.
Extraordinary job on Pathfinder, I shall continue my subscription. But I certainly do miss Dragon.

Liberty's Edge

I'm going to mug my mailman if it doesn't get here today ^_^

Edit: It's here! and so so shiny

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