Druids in STAP

Savage Tide Adventure Path

Any one playing or DMing Druids in the Savage Tide. It seems to me that the first half of the adventure lends itself well to a Druid pc.

Are there any problems with Druid spells or Abilities in the latter stages where the party is in the Abyss with summoning and elementals etc.?


Hired Sword wrote:

Any one playing or DMing Druids in the Savage Tide. It seems to me that the first half of the adventure lends itself well to a Druid pc.

** spoiler omitted **


I've not really encountered anything on the message boards about druids having problems in the later levels. From the threads on the topic of druids I have seen its more that there are issues with druids on the island. Usually their is a dispute between the DM and the player over whether the islands critters want to eat the druid or be the druids friend.

Jeremy Mac Donald wrote:
Hired Sword wrote:

Any one playing or DMing Druids in the Savage Tide. It seems to me that the first half of the adventure lends itself well to a Druid pc.

** spoiler omitted **


I've not really encountered anything on the message boards about druids having problems in the later levels. From the threads on the topic of druids I have seen its more that there are issues with druids on the island. Usually their is a dispute between the DM and the player over whether the islands critters want to eat the druid or be the druids friend.

*Chuckling* Weeell, that depends on the critter compared to the druid's Wild Empathy check. Amazingly enough, I have a player bringing in a dwarven druid with a 4 Charisma ... I rather doubt that character is particularly empathatic with animals ... if ever I saw a candidate for a summoner of vermin, that character's it...

Looking at Wild Empathy (PHB p 35) and the corresponding sidebar for Diplomacy (PHB p72), the wild animals start at an unfriendly attitude, which basically means that Wild Empathy check means they need at least a check result of 25 after a full-round action just to bump the beastie to merely "indifferent". To do the Lethal Weapon 2 thing (make the slavering pit bull friendly) as a FRA packs a walloping DC of 35. If the creature is a magical beast, those DCs are 29 and 39 respectively. Barring locating more concrete material being available [or the AP descriptions covering these DCs already], I would probably tack on the generic +2 DC increase for attempting to influence larger groups of beasties at one go. Say, your druid goes for broke and attempts a full-round Wild Empathy check on a pack of 6 terror birds. 5 extra birds thus tacks on another 10 to the DC, for a DC 35 to get them to indifferent or a DC 45 for friendly, or 39 and 49 respectively if they are magical beasts.

Druids, far as I am aware, summon 'local planar' animals (fiendish, celestial, anarchic or axiomatic depending on the dominant alignment trait of the plane they are on) when on other planes. The caveat here is that I've not done the research for it, since it won't come up until much later in the course of running the STAP. For purposes of dealing significant harm to thier foes, local planar critters are a poor choice for a druid to summon. (This is also caveated by my out-dated planes travelling knowledge. I seem to recall that the critters you summon are not only local to the planar layer, but have a nasty habit of not necessarily being wholly under control of your summons.)

In short, I suspect that a druid's best option at the end parts of the STAP will revolve around the ferocious amount of raw power they can bring to bear against the foes of the group, especially with weather effects. (Said druid's planes-knowledgable buddies will be crucial in determining whether or not they should even attempt to control or otherwise manipulate local planar weather, or leave it alone if it 'raises a flag' in the throne rooms of the local planar lords.)

Even if you discount all of a druid's summoning and weather-derived spells, that still leaves a LOT of direct-effect spells at thier disposal, in addition to thier internalized wild shaping/shapeshifting prowess.

By the time the druid hits the outer planes, they will almost certainly have the top-end of this capability of thier class, making them quite formidable in melee combat. A bit of planning with the good-aligned cleric and/or paladin in the group, if any, or perhaps some discretionary equippage investments, can ensure that the druid continues to directly, and significantly, impact the last 2 chapters of the STAP at every turn.

Hope this lengthly missive helps even a bit.

not much to be added.... but weren't lengthy missives my "trademark" ? I feel copied... cheapened....... "remade in Taiwan" even.... *sigh*


Thanks for the responses. And that was exactly the kind of info I was looking for. For whatever reason, Druids haven't been staples in any campaign I have ever run and I have never played one so I haven't ever had to adjudicate any of those effects/issues. I was concerned with the Weather spells and I will research those areas to see if any such information exists.

Any other opinions would also be welcomed.


uzagi wrote:


not much to be added.... but weren't lengthy missives my "trademark" ? I feel copied... cheapened....... "remade in Taiwan" even.... *sigh*


Cheapened ? LOL ... try perusing my campaign journal on the STAP ... I have a nasty habit of running long...

And of course if anyone's the TM'd in Taiwan, that dubious distinction probably belongs to me. *grin*

Turin the Mad wrote:
uzagi wrote:


not much to be added.... but weren't lengthy missives my "trademark" ? I feel copied... cheapened....... "remade in Taiwan" even.... *sigh*


Cheapened ? LOL ... try perusing my campaign journal on the STAP ... I have a nasty habit of running long...

And of course if anyone's the TM'd in Taiwan, that dubious distinction probably belongs to me. *grin*

touché !

uzagi wrote:
Turin the Mad wrote:
uzagi wrote:


not much to be added.... but weren't lengthy missives my "trademark" ? I feel copied... cheapened....... "remade in Taiwan" even.... *sigh*


Cheapened ? LOL ... try perusing my campaign journal on the STAP ... I have a nasty habit of running long...

And of course if anyone's the TM'd in Taiwan, that dubious distinction probably belongs to me. *grin*

touché !

*Takes a bow & hopes his brain doesn't fall out.*

Half of the computer you wrote that on was made in Taiwan. We are a manufacturing power. "Made in Taiwan" is a badge of quality since the turn of the century, especially for computing and technology. We make most of the LCD sreens too.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

That was a weird thread resurrection, Taliesin! :-)

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