How are magazines shipped from Paizo?

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

I looked around the FAQ but I could find no mention of how magazines (in this case Dragon magazines) are shipped. I want to order five Dragon magazines, but I fear they'll be shipped in such a way as they might be damaged by the USPS. My post office is notorious for damaging books, particularly those that aren't shipped in sturdy boxes and cushioned to withstand a bit of jostling.

Can anyone tell me what kind of packaging method Paizo uses to ship magazines? I'd really like these issues, but I'm wary about getting damaged goods. The sooner you can reply the better. :D Thanks in advance!

Liberty's Edge

Roger Robinson wrote:

I looked around the FAQ but I could find no mention of how magazines (in this case Dragon magazines) are shipped. I want to order five Dragon magazines, but I fear they'll be shipped in such a way as they might be damaged by the USPS. My post office is notorious for damaging books, particularly those that aren't shipped in sturdy boxes and cushioned to withstand a bit of jostling.

Can anyone tell me what kind of packaging method Paizo uses to ship magazines? I'd really like these issues, but I'm wary about getting damaged goods. The sooner you can reply the better. :D Thanks in advance!

I worried about the same thing, but I've ordered several back issues and they come mailed in a plain, white, fairly strong/durable and remailable cardboard envelope-they can't be bent or folded, and USPS would have to almost deliberately damage them to disturb the contents.

Andrew Turner wrote:
I worried about the same thing, but I've ordered several back issues and they come mailed in a plain, white, fairly strong/durable and remailable cardboard envelope-they can't be bent or folded, and USPS would have to almost deliberately damage them to disturb the contents.

Many thanks for your swift reply!

Off to place my order. =D

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Andrew Turner wrote:
I worried about the same thing, but I've ordered several back issues and they come mailed in a plain, white, fairly strong/durable and remailable cardboard envelope-they can't be bent or folded, and USPS would have to almost deliberately damage them to disturb the contents.

...and if it's more than about a half-inch stack, we use a box.

Vic Wertz wrote:
Andrew Turner wrote:
I worried about the same thing, but I've ordered several back issues and they come mailed in a plain, white, fairly strong/durable and remailable cardboard envelope-they can't be bent or folded, and USPS would have to almost deliberately damage them to disturb the contents.
...and if it's more than about a half-inch stack, we use a box.

Hmmm...I'm pretty sure the five Dragon magazines I ordered (including the super-sized final issue were more than a half-inch stack, but I got a cardboard envelope. One end of the envelope was dinged which resulted in a funky bend in the corner of all the magazines, least it wasn't as bad as the last few things I've had delivered to me.

Honestly, I think the USPS plays frisbee with my packages.

Grand Lodge

Maybe they juggle our packages. My envelope with Pathfinder #1 was nearly folded to fit in a small apartment mailbox. I've got a small crease going down the back cover, a dinged corner and a dent throughout the issue. At least it's still a good read.

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

All three of mine had a dinged corner (Pathfinder, SSS, RotRL PG), but I can live with it. Looks like it was dropped and hit a corner along the way. All the others I've received have been perfect : )

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