red scare |
I haven't seen any stats for the mightiest commander of Demogorgons horde of demons so I decided to stat him. Enjoy!
Supreme Commander Belcheresk CR 27
Male Advanced Balor Fighter 4
CE Large Outsider (Tanar’ri)
Init +9; Senses Dark Vision 60ft, True Seeing
Speed: 30ft (40ft w/o armor), fly 90ft (good)
AC: 45, touch 16, flat-footed 39
HP: 641 (30 HD) Fast-Healing: 6, DR: 15/cold iron and good, DR 5/-
Immune: electricity, fire, and poison
Resist: acid 10, cold 10; SR 38
Fort +32, Ref +23, Will +23
Melee:* +1 Dancing Vorpal Great Sword +31/+26/+21/+16 (3d6/19-20/x2) and
+1 Flaming Speed Long Sword +37/+37/+32/+27/+22 (2d6+24 plus 1d6 fire/ 17-20/x2) and
+1 Wounding Frost Whip +36/+31 (1d4+15 plus 1d6 cold plus 1 Con plus entangle)
*8-point Power Attack
Space 10ft.; Reach 10ft (20ft with whip)
Base Atk +30; Grp +49
Atk Options: Cleave, Devastating Critical, Great Cleave, Overwhelming Critical, Power Attack
Special Actions: Death Throes, entangle, mighty rage 1/day, spell-like abilities, summon Tanar’ri
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 26th)
At Will-blasphemy (DC 27), dominate monster (DC 29), greater dispel magic, greater teleport, insanity (DC 27), power word Stun, telekinesis (DC 25), unholy aura (DC 28)
3/day-quickened greater dispel magic
1/day-fire storm (DC 28), implosion (DC 29)
Abilities: Str 40, Dex 25, Con 40, Int 24, Wis 24, Cha 30
Feats: Cleave, Devastating Critical, Fast Healing (2), Improved Toughness, Improved Two Weapon Fighting, Improved Critical (long sword), Over Whelming Critical, Power Attack, Quicken Spell-Like Ability (greater dispel magic), Two-weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus Long Sword
Skills: Bluff +43, Concentration +48, Diplomacy +48, Disguise +20 (+22 acting), Hide +36, Intimidate +45, Knowledge (history) +30, Knowledge (planes) +40, Listen +48, Move Silently +30, Search +30, Sense Motive +42, Spell craft +40, Spot +48, Survival +17, Use Magic Device +41
Possessions: +1 dancing vorpal great sword, +1 flaming speed long sword, +1 wounding frost whip, amulet of health +4, belt of giant strength +4, Hide of The Beast
Feats: Devastating Critical and Overwhelming Critical and Fast Healing can be found in the Draconomican
New Artifact: Hide of the Beast
Created by Demogorgon from the hide of a powerful monstrous beast in the depths of the screaming jungle. It acts as +7 hide armor with a max Dex +8, and armor penality of -1, It also grants the wearer the ability to mighty rage 1/day as a 20th level Barbarian, and also gain DR 5/-.

red scare |
There is some mention of him in fiendish codex I and Dragon #357 as a advanced balor fighter 4. It mentions he is Demogorgons most powerful servant and supreme leader of the millions of hordes throughout the planes. I stated him adcanced to 30hd to be able to be summoined be big D and gave him overwhelming melee poweress because thats what frankly Big D appreciates to do the most as well.

Kirth Gersen |

The only thing I quibble with is the artifact that gives the wearer pretty much all the useful class features of a 20th level barbarian. For comparison, I'd also be against introducing, say, a ring that allows any wearer to cast spells as a 20th level sorcerer... especially with no prerequisites. Or a robe that lets you cast spells and turn undead as a 20th level cleric... you get the picture.
If you want this bad guy to be able to rage, I'd just give him barbarian levels in lieu of some of the outsider HD you've advanced him by (just pretend Issue 357 "forgot" to mention them).

red scare |
Sorry I should have put a lil more detail into the artifact but it doesn't give nearly the amount of abilities of a 20th lvl Barbarian. I just grants the mighty rage feature 1/day and DR 5/- for 10 minutes. It does not grant any of the other features of a barbarian such as fast movement, uncanny dodge, trapsense, indomitable will, or even tireless rage. I did forget to mention that the armor grants a +2 to initiative. But besides that I wanted some uhique armor besides let say the boring +5 heavy fortifaction breastplates that all the Demogorgan aspects seem to have.
The armor is nothing compared to his epic feats if he crits you with the longsword its a DC 44 fort. save or die. Thats where those +5 heavy fortifaction breast plates will come in handy for the PCs;)

Kirth Gersen |

1/day is cool for the rage; I missed that originally (P.S. trap sense and indomitable will are so lame they just don't compare with rage, so I wasn't even considering them as "real" barbarian abiltities). I note you added a duration to the DR, which seems appropriate; DR 5/- all the time might be a bit much. OK--looks good to me!

Turin the Mad |

Interesting choices the Savage Tide presents to PCs - do they acquire defenses against death and negative energy and ability-trashing effects, or do they acquire defenses against insta-kill criticals ?
(Granted, it is, at the end-game levels, a relatively inexpensive 'buy' to get +1 bracers of heavy fortification, a cheap 36,000 g.p. for armor-tanked characters, who will rely on thier armor and/or shield for thier AC and other defenses.)
I would probably consider the mighty rage + DR effect to be linked together, for the one-use per day duration of 10 minutes.

Kirth Gersen |

I would probably consider the mighty rage + DR effect to be linked together, for the one-use per day duration of 10 minutes.
At his Con, Mighty Rage lasts only 18 rounds (less than 2 minutes) if he rages as a 20th level barbarian. Arbitrarily increasing the duration by 5x makes this item's rage ability the same as that of a barbarian with a normal Constitution score of 204. Instead of basing things on the rage ability, why don't we just have it give the wearer a +6 enhancement bonus to Str and Con? Then the effect is active all the time, and we don't have to think about durations or hijacked class abilities at all. The DR could be 10/adamantine, like a stoneskin spell, and I see no reason for that not to be continuous, either. Sound good?

red scare |
Kirth has a good point with making the armor give a continueous adhancement to str and con and the DR. I'm thinking of dropping the +1 dancing vorpal sword. I ran a mock combat of Belchersk gainst Gwynharphf and she was dead in the first round from a natural confirmed 20 to her head. I believe the possibilty of devasting criting on a 17-20 on 5 attacks is more than enough challenge to my PC's who are uber characters in themselve.

Turin the Mad |

Turin the Mad wrote:I would probably consider the mighty rage + DR effect to be linked together, for the one-use per day duration of 10 minutes.At his Con, Mighty Rage lasts only 18 rounds (less than 2 minutes) if he rages as a 20th level barbarian. Arbitrarily increasing the duration by 5x makes this item's rage ability the same as that of a barbarian with a normal Constitution score of 204. Instead of basing things on the rage ability, why don't we just have it give the wearer a +6 enhancement bonus to Str and Con? Then the effect is active all the time, and we don't have to think about durations or hijacked class abilities at all. The DR could be 10/adamantine, like a stoneskin spell, and I see no reason for that not to be continuous, either. Sound good?
Melikes, it's generally easiest to keep items as simple as possible, especially for BBEG's for the GM to have to track on top of everything else that is on a GM's platter.

red scare |
He's missing two feats and his attack bonus if off by 2 points, but aside from that he's pretty neat.
I thought i stated pretty good where did I mis the feats and attack bonus. He should have 11 feats from HD and 3 from fighter. Perhaps you counted the fast healing only once he has it twice. He has a minus two to his attack because of two weapon fighting so you might hace miscalculated that as well.