Ad revenue for the online Dragon

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

So here's a question: As you'll already be paying for the content, will they also subject you to product placement? "But it would be so much "more" expensive if we didn't force you to watch pop-up ads while reading what you're already paying to access..."

Just an inflammatory query (“Inflammable means the same as flammable? What a country!”).

mwbeeler wrote:

So here's a question: As you'll already be paying for the content, will they also subject you to product placement? "But it would be so much "more" expensive if we didn't force you to watch pop-up ads while reading what you're already paying to access..."

Just an inflammatory query (“Inflammable means the same as flammable? What a country!”).

Pop-ups? I hope not, but most browsers can limit that kind of thing (if only to a degree). I would expect to see 2 or 3 banner ads per page, however.

Liberty's Edge

F33b wrote:
Pop-ups? I hope not, but most browsers can limit that kind of thing (if only to a degree). I would expect to see 2 or 3 banner ads per page, however.

As long as it's not frenetically dancing mortgage owners or booty-smacking loan officers, it won't be a show-stopper for me.

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