Karma (an idea)


I was reading a "roleplay vs rollplay" thread on another forum when I was struck by a post from a confessed ROLEplayer. This guy didn't bother to pick a class or a race, instead he determined them RANDOMLY from the core choices. He then rolled his abilities (4d6 and drop lowest roll) IN ORDER. He figured it gave him something to work with and this gave me an idea for what I call the "DnD KARMATIC Campaign"

First, roll for your abilities in order. (4d6 and drop lowest for STR, then DEX etc.)

Second,roll 1d8 for your race.
1 - human
2 - elf
3 - dwarf
4 - halfling
5 - gnome
6 - half elf
7 - half orc
8 - roll again

Third, roll 1d12 for your class.
1 - barbarian
2 - bard
3 - cleric
4 - druid
5 - fighter
6 - monk
7 - paladin
8 - ranger
9 - rogue
10 - sorcerer
11 - wizard
12 - roll again.

start at level 1 with max HP and everything is decided by the player (alignment, equipment, spells etc.)

So far, so low fantasy (more Warhammer than Greyhawk)..and probably, PROBABLY, a bit tough..

But what I thought would be a good idea in said circumstances would be KARMA points equal to the character's cumulative level at death. Say the character dies at level 3, the NEXT character rolled up the same way gets 6 KARMA (or KP) points (1 + 2 + 3=6 ).

KP could be added or subtracted to either of the class or race rolls
KP could be used to boost ability values on a cumulative basis (increase a value from 14 to 15 costs 1KP, to 16 costs 3 KP, to 17 costs 6 KP etc)

any thoughts?

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