Popular RPG Publishers

Other RPGs

I'm looking for your favorite RPG publishers. Here's what I have so far:

Paizo Publishing
Malhavoc Press
Mongoose Publishing
Necromancer Games
White Wolf Games

I've decided that I need a goal to work toward and I figure with all the time I spend tinkering with d&d and my own game, I might as well work toward the RPG business. Not an easy business to break into, I know, but we all have dreams right?


Dark Archive

Troll Lord Games
Sovereign Press / MWP
Necromancer Games
Troll Lord Games
White Wolf

Troll Lord Games.

To add to the above list,

Green Ronin

Liberty's Edge

Chaosium and Fantasy Flight

Scarab Sages

Bastion Press
Goodman Games
EN Publishing

Although my favorite has always been (since i started 4 years ago), and will most likely always be, Paizo.

Odd no one said Wizards of the Coast?

Dark Archive Contributor

kessukoofah wrote:

Bastion Press

Goodman Games
EN Publishing

Although my favorite has always been (since i started 4 years ago), and will most likely always be, Paizo.

Thanks kessukoofah! ^_^

Jib wrote:
Odd no one said Wizards of the Coast?

I didn't mention it partly because it's pretty much a given and partly because it's probably the hardest company to get into due to its popularity.

Thanks, everyone!

Okay... Take my answers with a large bottle of (insert alcoholic beverage). Mongoose hurt me early on in 3.5, the only redeeming quality for them IMO is they publish Crafty Games stuff, and that's golden in my view (they get an "unofficial") add to the list.

Crafty Games
Paizo Publishing
Fantasy Flight Games
Alderac Entertainment Group
Green Ronin Publishing
Sword & Sorcery Studios/Necromancer Games
White Wolf
Wizards of The Coast (although they are not in as good of graces by me as they were, say, 2 years ago.)
WizKids Games
Margaret Weis Productions
Fiery Dragon Studios

That's It. If I find an author of quality & who does research on x campaign world (especially one with "Great Wheel" experience), I'm much more likely to follow an Author than a Publisher.


Fantasy Games Unlimited
Judges Guild
R. Talsorian Group
West End Games
Britannia Game Designs

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

Iron Crown Enterprise (not as much "popular" now)
Hero Games
MWP (Margaret Weise Productions)

I like stuff from a lot of game companies, but have a pretty exclusive list of "Favorites".

Paizo Publishing
Malhavoc Press

I am ecstatic about how prolific Paizo has become, it makes up (somewhat) for Monte bowing out of RPGs for the present.

Liberty's Edge

Dream pod 9

Troll Lord Games
Goodman Games

Well, I am rather fond of all companies involving Lisa Stevens...Lion Rampant, White Wolf, Paizo, even Wizards back when she was there.

Atlas Games
Steve Jackson Games

Victory Games, though I doubt if they're still in business. I kinda liked Phage Press' "Amber Diceless" stuff, too--although it was at the end of the day too setting-specific for much long-term use.

Tequila Sunrise wrote:
Jib wrote:
Odd no one said Wizards of the Coast?

I didn't mention it partly because it's pretty much a given and partly because it's probably the hardest company to get into due to its popularity.

Thanks, everyone!

Odds are you should try one of teh smaller companies like Ronin Arts and some of the other PDF publishers to get some stuff in print

I disagree. WotC is now looking for adventures for online Dungeon and Dragon. Give them a try! I have had the pleasure of being published twice as a writer for Dungeon. While it was a lot of work it was easier IMHO than approaching a smaller company where most people wear 2 or 3 hats and need to keep the budget tight.

Just my 2 coppers!

The Exchange Kobold Press

Privateer Press has it's No Quarter magazine, and Open Design has its Kobold Quarterly.

White Wolf
Evil Hat(gotta love FATE)

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