Things in Life That Suck

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Liberty's Edge

Patrick Curtin wrote:
The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
The father of a friend I had back in high school shot himself last night. Larry had been an alcoholic, but didn't seem to have any other problems--he was a successful electrician with two grown kids and a nice house. I hadn't seen or talked to his son in years, so when I got the message, it was kind of a shock. I didn't know Larry very well, but his death is just one more thing that'll be on my mind.

Sorry to hear that bro. It's weird how people who are kinda on the sidelines of our lives can affect us deeply with their passing. My best frined's mother died of lung cancer (3 weeks from diagnosis to death) when I was 25. It was surreal. One minute she was there, and then *poof*.

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
It seems like everyone I know has either just died, just gone to prison, or just gotten married. It's odd, and I wonder which category I'm going to fall into.

It's funny how that works. I call it the '27' effect. My theory is that the artifical numbers we call 'adulthood' aren't really good markers. I think the actual transition from adolescence to adulthood is centered around the 27th year. Of course, there are variations, but it seems at that age most people are:

  • Working hard at their careers
  • Getting married and having children
  • Engaging in the final addiction death spiral
  • Despairing of life and contemplating terminating it
  • Running out of 'get out of jail free' rulings from the local judge
  • Having a crisis about WTF they're going to do with the rest of their lives
  • Some combination of the above

It seems like a lot of rock stars OD/suicide at this age (Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix, Janice Joplin, Kurt Colbain, etc.) I know Kurt's death really affected me, beacause we were only a few months apart in age, and it really struck home as I was wrestling with my transition. Heck, a year later I enlisted in the Army =O

Huh. That's interesting. Sounds like I'm hitting 27 a few years early. Maybe it's because most of the people I know are older than me. I don't really know...

Had a storm now my router no longer wants to work. As such I have dropped to one usable computer for the internet. I know this is mall considering the gripes others have, it is however annoying to me and sucks.

Sorry to learn of your woes Patrick and The Eldritch Mr. Shiny. :(

Bad news here from me for the day is that The Job Centre have a printed copy of my CV, but refuse to go look for it and give me a copy to send with any applications for jobs I have to make by snail mail this week. My multiple electronic copies/backups are currently on the computer which is away for repair, and the last copy I printed before I lost computer use went to that provider interview a week or so ago.

So basically, if I want to send anyone a copy of my CV at present, I'm stuck with the draft CV (which I do have a relatively up to date copy of, but which lacks snappy fonts or bullet points) or some antiquated version from a year or so ago which I have on floppy disk. (Assuming I can find a public computer which takes floppies...)


The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:

The father of a friend I had back in high school shot himself last night. Larry had been an alcoholic, but didn't seem to have any other problems--he was a successful electrician with two grown kids and a nice house. I hadn't seen or talked to his son in years, so when I got the message, it was kind of a shock. I didn't know Larry very well, but his death is just one more thing that'll be on my mind.

It seems like everyone I know has either just died, just gone to prison, or just gotten married. It's odd, and I wonder which category I'm going to fall into.

Patrick, Shiny, I'm sorry to hear about your losses. You both have my deepest condolences.

Re: The 27 effect- I think I'm hitting it later on in life as I am a late bloomer. I'm currently happy with my jobs(although the day one could suck less), but I know I can't do this forever. I want to change jobs before going back for my masters and doctorate, which I want to do one after the other unless something astonishing happens.

My ladyfriend dumped me in July. It wasn't horrible or drawn out or anything and I was doing fine, but she wants to get back together now and I'm a bit hesitant to say the least.

James Keegan wrote:
My ladyfriend dumped me in July. It wasn't horrible or drawn out or anything and I was doing fine, but she wants to get back together now and I'm a bit hesitant to say the least.

For what its worth. . .

Don't do it dude. At the very least don't rush back into it. Repeat relationships are almost never a good idea.

Be "friends" with her if you can. A lot of relationships end with the "lets just be friends" nonsense, but if she wants to get back in a romantic relationship, she should at least be able to compromise at a platonic level first. Take it slow. Go out in groups, don't feel the need to always sit next to each other, etc. She might give you crap at first for not making her the "most important person in the room", but you'll have plenty of time to do that if you are going to get "serious" again.

Sorry to blast my opinion at you James, but I've always respected you on these boards and I am dead set against making the same mistake twice when it comes to relationships.

Liberty's Edge

This is one of the worst feelings you can have. Not at the top, but somewhere on the next level down. You can feel yourself losing your mind, bit by bit. It's like watching little pieces of paper get ripped free from a big sheet of text and pictures and float away on the wind. This has happened before. I have hit bottom several times, been through the gauntlet of psych wards, pills, and therapists. This has happened before, and I am NOT going to let it happen again.

This is NOT going to continue, and I am NOT going to keep sliding further and further down the rabbit hole. This is DONE and OVER with. And I am terrified that even though I'm telling myself these things, it's all lies.

Liberty's Edge

Don't worry about things. I just had a f$@!ed day and a f!+%ed week, and am still picking the pieces of my head up off of the floor. Things will be back to standard soon, hopefully.

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Don't worry about things. I just had a f!*!ed day and a f!*!ed week, and am still picking the pieces of my head up off of the floor. Things will be back to standard soon, hopefully.

Don't forget that you have friends here that care about you.

Liberty's Edge

Sharoth wrote:
The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Don't worry about things. I just had a f!*!ed day and a f!*!ed week, and am still picking the pieces of my head up off of the floor. Things will be back to standard soon, hopefully.
Don't forget that you have friends here that care about you.

Yeah, man, I know. I've held it together for three years now, and I'm not going back on myself.

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Don't worry about things. I just had a f!*!ed day and a f!*!ed week, and am still picking the pieces of my head up off of the floor. Things will be back to standard soon, hopefully.
Don't forget that you have friends here that care about you.
Yeah, man, I know. I've held it together for three years now, and I'm not going back on myself.

Good for you!

Liberty's Edge

Sharoth wrote:
The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Don't worry about things. I just had a f!*!ed day and a f!*!ed week, and am still picking the pieces of my head up off of the floor. Things will be back to standard soon, hopefully.
Don't forget that you have friends here that care about you.
Yeah, man, I know. I've held it together for three years now, and I'm not going back on myself.
Good for you!

That's what I keep telling myself, at least.

Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Don't worry about things. I just had a f!*!ed day and a f!*!ed week, and am still picking the pieces of my head up off of the floor. Things will be back to standard soon, hopefully.
Don't forget that you have friends here that care about you.
Yeah, man, I know. I've held it together for three years now, and I'm not going back on myself.
Good for you!
That's what I keep telling myself, at least.

I think you're doing a great job. I enjoyed hanging out with you in Myrtle Beach and at PaizoCon.

taig wrote:
The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Don't worry about things. I just had a f!*!ed day and a f!*!ed week, and am still picking the pieces of my head up off of the floor. Things will be back to standard soon, hopefully.
Don't forget that you have friends here that care about you.
Yeah, man, I know. I've held it together for three years now, and I'm not going back on myself.
Good for you!
That's what I keep telling myself, at least.
I think you're doing a great job. I enjoyed hanging out with you in Myrtle Beach and at PaizoCon.

Satan proofing houses wouldn't be the same without Mr. Shiny.

Hah! The Month O' Doom continues. The computer is back at last, and guess what?... The company, despite instructions to the contrary, took off the piece of software they were supposed to be repairing and put on their own brand instead which was what they were trying to do when this mess started. It's like a garage trying to hire you a car, wrecking your current hire car when you refuse, taking it away 'for repairs' and then sending back the hire car you didn't want in the first place. Oh, and not making up the money's worth of the value still left on the contract of the hire-car which they wrecked...

Liberty's Edge

My roommate just found out that his best friend back home has cancer. Not good.

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
My roommate just found out that his best friend back home has cancer. Not good.

Ouch! I feel for him. OTOH, the ability to treat cancer has grown in the past 10 years. At least that gives him more of a fighting chance.

Dark Archive

My dad's dad, to whom I wasn't very close passed on recently.

Good side, he was really suffering and had contracted a severe case of pneumonia.

Bad side, my dad's flipping out completely and won't stop calling me.

And, of course, this happened 3 days before my little sister's wedding.



Mikhaila Burnett wrote:

My dad's dad, to whom I wasn't very close passed on recently.

Good side, he was really suffering and had contracted a severe case of pneumonia.

Bad side, my dad's flipping out completely and won't stop calling me.

And, of course, this happened 3 days before my little sister's wedding.



I am sorry to hear that. However, at least he is not suffering. I do hope that your Dad calms down soon. Oh, and I hope that your Sister's wedding goes well.

Dark Archive

Sharoth wrote:

I am sorry to hear that. However, at least he is not suffering. I do hope that your Dad calms down soon. Oh, and I hope that your Sister's wedding goes well.

Thank you.

She's gone all born again christian (which really surprises me and I mean absolutely no offense to anyone), but seems to be dealing well with married life already.

Dark Archive

I'd've gone to the wedding, but I couldn't afford the time off or the travel to Austin.

And, well, it would've been awkward with that whole "used to be a boy" thing...


Mikhaila Burnett wrote:

I'd've gone to the wedding, but I couldn't afford the time off or the travel to Austin.

And, well, it would've been awkward with that whole "used to be a boy" thing...


~grimaces and shrugs~ Yea, sometimes it is just best to leave things alone. I do hope that your life gets better.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

something that sucks: the minor surgery i had six weeks ago.

it was for the removal of an infected cyst. i thought the surgeon did a great job, but it hurt like hell. i failed my fortitude save.

i immediately began going to a wound care center so i would get the best care possible.

four weeks after the surgery, the wound care doctor said the cyst was reforming. she then performed surgery #2.

last week, she said the cyst was actually deeper than anyone realized. she then performed surgery #3.

while i have good doctors and a good diet that will help the healing process, i'm incredibly frustrated by this situation. i can't exercise the way i want to, so my energy level is crap, and believe it or not, haven't been able to shower for six weeks! yes, it's sponge baths for me.

what makes it even worse is that because of the location of the cyst (on my back), i've been unable to attend physical therapy for a different, unrelated injury, first mentioned here. when i finally heal from the surgery, i fear i may be starting physical therapy from scratch.

something that doesn't suck is this thread. big thanks to everyone for listening. mr shiny, we're all pulling for ya.

Dark Archive

messy wrote:

something that sucks: the minor surgery i had six weeks ago.

it was for the removal of an infected cyst. i thought the surgeon did a great job, but it hurt like hell. i failed my fortitude save.

i immediately began going to a wound care center so i would get the best care possible.

four weeks after the surgery, the wound care doctor said the cyst was reforming. she then performed surgery #2.

last week, she said the cyst was actually deeper than anyone realized. she then performed surgery #3.

while i have good doctors and a good diet that will help the healing process, i'm incredibly frustrated by this situation. i can't exercise the way i want to, so my energy level is crap, and believe it or not, haven't been able to shower for six weeks! yes, it's sponge baths for me.

what makes it even worse is that because of the location of the cyst (on my back), i've been unable to attend physical therapy for a different, unrelated injury, first mentioned here. when i finally heal from the surgery, i fear i may be starting physical therapy from scratch.

something that doesn't suck is this thread. big thanks to everyone for listening. mr shiny, we're all pulling for ya.


Wow. Get well soon! That's... sub-optimal in the extreme.

My complete inability to "read" whether a woman is interested in me, unless she walks up to me, pokes me in the chest and yells, "Hey f@~&head, I LIKE YOU!"

Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

Sharoth wrote:
Mikhaila Burnett wrote:

I'd've gone to the wedding, but I couldn't afford the time off or the travel to Austin.

And, well, it would've been awkward with that whole "used to be a boy" thing...


~grimaces and shrugs~ Yea, sometimes it is just best to leave things alone. I do hope that your life gets better.


RPG Superstar 2012

messy wrote:

something that sucks: the minor surgery i had six weeks ago.

it was for the removal of an infected cyst. i thought the surgeon did a great job, but it hurt like hell. i failed my fortitude save.

i immediately began going to a wound care center so i would get the best care possible.

four weeks after the surgery, the wound care doctor said the cyst was reforming. she then performed surgery #2.

last week, she said the cyst was actually deeper than anyone realized. she then performed surgery #3.

while i have good doctors and a good diet that will help the healing process, i'm incredibly frustrated by this situation. i can't exercise the way i want to, so my energy level is crap, and believe it or not, haven't been able to shower for six weeks! yes, it's sponge baths for me.

what makes it even worse is that because of the location of the cyst (on my back), i've been unable to attend physical therapy for a different, unrelated injury, first mentioned here. when i finally heal from the surgery, i fear i may be starting physical therapy from scratch.

something that doesn't suck is this thread. big thanks to everyone for listening. mr shiny, we're all pulling for ya.

Wow! I hope the third time is a charm for you.

taig wrote:
messy wrote:

something that sucks: the minor surgery i had six weeks ago.

it was for the removal of an infected cyst. i thought the surgeon did a great job, but it hurt like hell. i failed my fortitude save.

i immediately began going to a wound care center so i would get the best care possible.

four weeks after the surgery, the wound care doctor said the cyst was reforming. she then performed surgery #2.

last week, she said the cyst was actually deeper than anyone realized. she then performed surgery #3.

while i have good doctors and a good diet that will help the healing process, i'm incredibly frustrated by this situation. i can't exercise the way i want to, so my energy level is crap, and believe it or not, haven't been able to shower for six weeks! yes, it's sponge baths for me.

what makes it even worse is that because of the location of the cyst (on my back), i've been unable to attend physical therapy for a different, unrelated injury, first mentioned here. when i finally heal from the surgery, i fear i may be starting physical therapy from scratch.

something that doesn't suck is this thread. big thanks to everyone for listening. mr shiny, we're all pulling for ya.

Wow! I hope the third time is a charm for you.

+1 to that!

Liberty's Edge

GentleGiant wrote:
My complete inability to "read" whether a woman is interested in me, unless she walks up to me, pokes me in the chest and yells, "Hey f!!~head, I LIKE YOU!"

I know exactly how you feel. For years, I was convinced that I was the most undesirable person on the face of the earth. I thought that no one was interested because I just couldn't tell. Then, a couple years back, the love of my life found ME. It can happen, man. Hang in there.

RPG Superstar 2012

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
GentleGiant wrote:
My complete inability to "read" whether a woman is interested in me, unless she walks up to me, pokes me in the chest and yells, "Hey f!!~head, I LIKE YOU!"
I know exactly how you feel. For years, I was convinced that I was the most undesirable person on the face of the earth. I thought that no one was interested because I just couldn't tell. Then, a couple years back, the love of my life found ME. It can happen, man. Hang in there.


My wife had to pretty much beat me over the head to make me realize she liked me. We'll be celebrating our 20th anniversary on Oct. 22. :)

My grandmother went into hospital for an operation yesterday (to remove a gallstone) only the doctors decided to cancel it at the last minute for some some reason currently unclear. They're sending her back to her residential home today with stone still in place.

Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

Charles Evans 25 wrote:

My grandmother went into hospital for an operation yesterday (to remove a gallstone) only the doctors decided to cancel it at the last minute for some some reason currently unclear. They're sending her back to her residential home today with stone still in place.


I'm really sorry to hear that, Charles. It irks me that medical professionals forget they are dealing with people who might have questions about their decisions, and suck at informing family members about what is happening.

GentleGiant wrote:
My complete inability to "read" whether a woman is interested in me, unless she walks up to me, pokes me in the chest and yells, "Hey f&#@head, I LIKE YOU!"

This lead to my marriage.

Getting a black eye when headbutted by your american bulldog puppy. However, everyone else seems to find this hilarious. Why is this?

Urizen wrote:
Getting a black eye when headbutted by your american bulldog puppy. However, everyone else seems to find this hilarious. Why is this?

Because deep down everybody knows it's a front. Mindy kicked your ass. ;)

Garydee wrote:
Urizen wrote:
Getting a black eye when headbutted by your american bulldog puppy. However, everyone else seems to find this hilarious. Why is this?
Because deep down everybody knows it's a front. Mindy kicked your ass. ;)

Actually, she had said that she's going to give me a matching one if I don't get a job soon. Ouch.

RPG Superstar 2012

Urizen wrote:
Getting a black eye when headbutted by your american bulldog puppy. However, everyone else seems to find this hilarious. Why is this?

Whatever the reason, it's kept "America's Funniest Home Videos" on the air for decades. :)

taig wrote:
Charles Evans 25 wrote:

My grandmother went into hospital for an operation yesterday (to remove a gallstone) only the doctors decided to cancel it at the last minute for some some reason currently unclear. They're sending her back to her residential home today with stone still in place.

I'm really sorry to hear that, Charles. It irks me that medical professionals forget they are dealing with people who might have questions about their decisions, and suck at informing family members about what is happening.

Thanks Taig.

My father went to see her and the doctors today, and has got an update. Apparently my grandmother has a hiatus hernia which in some manner would complicate the intended attempt to remove the gallstone(s), so the doctors would rather not do anything unless the gallstone situation is really bad. Hence they've decided not to do anything for now.



taig wrote:
Urizen wrote:
Getting a black eye when headbutted by your american bulldog puppy. However, everyone else seems to find this hilarious. Why is this?
Whatever the reason, it's kept "America's Funniest Home Videos" on the air for decades. :)

What annoys me are the people that rig up scenarios to allow themselves to get filmed and submit it as an authentic event. WHAT? WHY DON'T YOU PUT DOWN THE CAMERA AND HELP ME! I'M BLEEDING & IN PAIN!


Aaargh! And now I find out that not only was September a bad month for me, but that I tortured the Pathfinder Chronicler judges with my execrable excuse for fiction which I so senselessly entered in their contest. :(
Apologies to the judges, and at least I can remedy this by not ever entering again.

Charles Evans 25 wrote:

Aaargh! And now I find out that not only was September a bad month for me, but that I tortured the Pathfinder Chronicler judges with my execrable excuse for fiction which I so senselessly entered in their contest. :(

Apologies to the judges, and at least I can remedy this by not ever entering again.

Dude. WTF. Srsly.

Calm down.

Your writing has improved considerably since I've first started reading it. Keep at it.

Lilith wrote:
Charles Evans 25 wrote:

Aaargh! And now I find out that not only was September a bad month for me, but that I tortured the Pathfinder Chronicler judges with my execrable excuse for fiction which I so senselessly entered in their contest. :(

Apologies to the judges, and at least I can remedy this by not ever entering again.

Dude. WTF. Srsly.

Calm down.

Your writing has improved considerably since I've first started reading it. Keep at it.

+1. Scale back on the emo-tude, Charles. Or else people will remember you more for the comments above versus the admirable effort you're trying to accomplish in honing your craft.


Urizen wrote:

+1. Scale back on the emo-tude, Charles. Or else people will remember you more for the comments above versus the admirable effort you're trying to accomplish in honing your craft.


This is the Things In Life Which Suck thread, not the RPGSuperstar Forums. If there is one place on these boards where a little British understatement about how bad things seem to be to a poster is acceptable and appropriate, I think it is here.

If people are laughing themselves silly over it in fits of schadenfreude, so be it.

Dark Archive

People who SAY "Axe" when they MEAN "Ask".

I just want to apply the former while inquiring of the latter regarding the speakers PAIN LEVEL.

Lilith wrote:
Charles Evans 25 wrote:

Aaargh! And now I find out that not only was September a bad month for me, but that I tortured the Pathfinder Chronicler judges with my execrable excuse for fiction which I so senselessly entered in their contest. :(

Apologies to the judges, and at least I can remedy this by not ever entering again.

Dude. WTF. Srsly.

Calm down.

Your writing has improved considerably since I've first started reading it. Keep at it.

Upon further reflection, I think the recent Pathfinder Chronicler contest demonstrated once again that I can't come up with an adequate idea to fit an alloted space. I seem to recall I missed the fiction boat on Wayfinder #2 because it took so many rewrites to get something close to fitting the word limit that the fiction entries were effectively closed by the time I got something in. On Wayfinder #3, I got in early, but massively under word count and had to come up with a sidebar to fill it out.

I have formed an impression of publishing that a good writer has to be able to hit somewhere in the region of the word count every time; and the mere amateur or journeyman writer, who can expect less sympathy from an editor, had in fact better come along with an idea that lands exactly on the money in terms of scope and word count.
Anyway, three misses and you're out isn't it in baseball? - the sane thing to do here, it seems to me, is for me to accept that I won't ever be able to write fiction for general publication and stop trying.

Perhaps I ought to take a protracted break from the boards, too, but I don't know if, one way or another, I'd ever come back if I stopped posting right now. :-?

Mikhaila Burnett wrote:

People who SAY "Axe" when they MEAN "Ask".

I just want to apply the former while inquiring of the latter regarding the speakers PAIN LEVEL.

Pity me; I work in NYC and hear that all day.

Dark Archive

Bill Lumberg wrote:
Mikhaila Burnett wrote:

People who SAY "Axe" when they MEAN "Ask".

I just want to apply the former while inquiring of the latter regarding the speakers PAIN LEVEL.

Pity me; I work in NYC and hear that all day.

I pity you for both things.

I work in a call center. About 45% of my callers force this atrocity down my ears.

The Exchange

Charles Evans 25 wrote:

Upon further reflection, I think the recent Pathfinder Chronicler contest demonstrated once again that I can't come up with an adequate idea to fit an alloted space. I seem to recall I missed the fiction boat on Wayfinder #2 because it took so many rewrites to get something close to fitting the word limit that the fiction entries were effectively closed by the time I got something in. On Wayfinder #3, I got in early, but massively under word count and had to come up with a sidebar to fill it out.

I have formed an impression of publishing that a good writer has to be able to hit somewhere in the region of the word count every time; and the mere amateur or journeyman writer, who can expect less sympathy from an editor, had in fact better come along with an idea that lands exactly on the money in terms of scope and word count.
Anyway, three misses and you're out isn't it in baseball? - the sane thing to do here, it seems to me, is for me to accept that I won't ever be able to write fiction for general publication and stop trying.

Perhaps I ought to take a protracted break from the boards, too, but I don't know if, one way or another, I'd ever come back if I stopped posting right now. :-?

Sometimes as writers it takes awhile for us to find the form that fits us best. Adapting yourself to and mastering the form you want to be good at but don't have a natural affinity for takes a lot longer. I've been attempting sonnets for 10 years and my best is still mediocre compared to many others who have had to put in a fraction of the time I have. Do I envy them? Yes. Do I give up? No! Writing is the last craft you'd ever want to compare to baseball. Not being where you want after 3 tries is nothing when it comes to writing! So, in short, don't beat yourself up and give up because your ideas didn't fit the form - look for the form that fits your idea and then look for the publishing venue that will accept it, or learn how to find ideas that do fit the word count. Recognizing those comes from experience and practice.

Tonight I had to convince my best friend of 14 years not to kill herself.

Over the phone.

Nebulous_Mistress wrote:

Tonight I had to convince my best friend of 14 years not to kill herself.

Over the phone.

Oh man. :(

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