Farewell, my Friend

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

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Thanks for the great ride, Paizo folks, and thanks for the many years of fun gaming and entertainment from Dragon and Dungeon. The two magazines have never shone more brightly, and their passing will be like a glorious sunset.

Dragon is Dead! Dungeon is Dead! Long live Dragon and Dungeon!

*raises a cup of ambrosia to the gods*


I've been away from the Paizo forums way too long. I'll take this moment to say:

Thank you, Mike. For giving me a shot; for helping me improve my craft; for being a friend.

Yep, I feel so stupid for looking at all those magazines in my office and feeling so sad that I'll never get another one. So much nostalgia and so much personal history wrapped in those pages....from paying for my first Dragon subscription in 1982 or so by cutting grass and cleaning pools on weekends to getting published in those same pages 25 years later.....farewell....

Sniff! It's going to be dull without my magazines coming in every month. Good job, guys, and too bad it had to end here.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

I knew the end was coming.

I even got both "last issues."

It's only recently begun to sink in though....there won't be another one next month.

I hadn't really realized until now how much I'd come to look forward to getting them every month.


Bye! It was a fine time.

Thanks Paizo for doing what, IMHO, is the best era of both mags. You made me feel the need to subscribe, and I'm glad I did. Goodbye Dungeon and Dragon, I will miss your friendly appearances in my mail.

Well as with all of you I too shall lement the lost friend that was Dragon. I have never thought that it could have been a remote chance of not having its pages to turn. I myself have been a subscriber even before Paizo took the reins and did a great job. Yes my faithful run since #147 is now stopped. Long shall the months now be with no Dragon in my box...Farewell my friend.

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