'Non Fiction Publication'?

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

I saw over of Wizards' website that the Colossal red Dragon won an award, but I also saw Dragon and Dungeon won awards as well. And I'm happy for that: Paizo puts out an incredibly high-quality product.

What surprised me was the categories:
Fiction Publication of the Year Dungeon Magazine Paizo Publishing
Non-Fiction Publication of the Year Dragon Magazine Paizo Publishing

now, Dungeon being fiction makes perfect sense. What makes Dragon non-fiction, though?

The Exchange Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 6

Ross Byers wrote:

I saw over of Wizards' website that the Colossal red Dragon won an award, but I also saw Dragon and Dungeon won awards as well. And I'm happy for that: Paizo puts out an incredibly high-quality product.

What surprised me was the categories:
Fiction Publication of the Year Dungeon Magazine Paizo Publishing
Non-Fiction Publication of the Year Dragon Magazine Paizo Publishing

now, Dungeon being fiction makes perfect sense. What makes Dragon non-fiction, though?

Articles about game playing and game rules would seem to fall under non-fiction, which is in theory what Dragon is.

Dark Archive Contributor

Russ Taylor wrote:
Articles about game playing and game rules would seem to fall under non-fiction, which is in theory what Dragon is.

Yeah, I think that's the theory behind it. Dungeon tells stories (as adventures). Dragon tells you how to do stuff, like TimeLife's do-it-yourself books. Stories are fiction, do-it-yourself is nonfiction.

Non-fiction? Must be the Demonomicon articles. ;-)

Except for those rare times that Dragon actually runs short fiction, which I think should be what qualifies it for the fiction award. I thought the awards categories should be switched.

Dark Archive Contributor

Troy Taylor wrote:
Except for those rare times that Dragon actually runs short fiction, which I think should be what qualifies it for the fiction award. I thought the awards categories should be switched.

Which is also something we said, but which obviously got ignored. We don't mind, though, since we're glad to finally win one. :)

Mike McArtor wrote:
Troy Taylor wrote:
Except for those rare times that Dragon actually runs short fiction, which I think should be what qualifies it for the fiction award. I thought the awards categories should be switched.
Which is also something we said, but which obviously got ignored. We don't mind, though, since we're glad to finally win one. :)

You won both mike ; debating which one belonged in which category is just semantics. Really.

Congratulations though to the whole Paizo team. It's always nice to see all that hard work that you do get recognized by your peers and the industry. May your success continue with Pathfinder and the Gamemastery line.

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