Funeral Procession

Dungeon Magazine General Discussion

Has anyone else noticed that the Lilybrook gal and all the Sawfish boys are way powerful? Lilybrook's stats are a 40 point buy (even taking away one point for level) and only one of the Sawfish boys is below a 30 point buy. Pretty over the top for a 1st level adventure.

The DM was really hot with the dice rolling?

They're pretty rough, since I suppose they're supposed to be the really major encounters at the slaughterhouse. After I ran it, I wanted to use them as recurring villains, multiclassing the Anderhoffs and switching around some of Eldara's stats to make her a sorceress rather than a necromancer. For me, a necromancer would be more appropriate for an Orcus cult rather than a Graz'zt one. And the Thrall of Graz'zt prc, which I was going to give her later, is more appropriate for sorcerers.

My party hasn't gotten that far to the brothers yet. I took two out with the orge in the rendering room. Then again, they just stayed to the walls and didn't check the middle of the room. I would also like to add I hate my players some time. They metagame 90% of the time. But when I stand there and read them right out of the book what concelment in the room will mean for combat they walk through the room like nothing was going to happen. No buff spells, nothing. ARG!!! Then they give me the hurt puppy dog look of "Why did I just get crushed to -11?"

David Trueheart wrote:
My party hasn't gotten that far to the brothers yet. I took two out with the orge in the rendering room. Then again, they just stayed to the walls and didn't check the middle of the room. I would also like to add I hate my players some time. They metagame 90% of the time. But when I stand there and read them right out of the book what concelment in the room will mean for combat they walk through the room like nothing was going to happen. No buff spells, nothing. ARG!!! Then they give me the hurt puppy dog look of "Why did I just get crushed to -11?"

Check out Baur's article in this month's Dungeon. Your group needs a powerful patron to whip them into shape. Khelben's the obvious choice. Somebody to overawe them and give them someone to answer to and hold them accountable. And punish them for squabbling.

I just wrapped up that adventure.

I did not use all four brothers, instead having two of them take care of more mundane matters in the family business (cleaning, sales, etc.) and they only had an inkling of what was really going on. They did not enter the fray and were not in the rending house when the battle went on.

I did this as much to add a bit of flavor to the NPCs as to thin out their ranks for the sake of the PCs.


Note: My players really enjoyed the opening of this adventure, as did I. I got the chance to RP some of the locals and the zombie (when it came) shook things up quite a bit. The chase scene was fun, too.

A great low-level adventure!

Oh it is a great one. We are finishing it off tomorrow with two new characters. One died due to running into ogre. The other got knocked out and sacrificed to Grazz't. The mob freaking out from the swarm and zombie was fun. My wife, playing a chaos monk, took a AoO on a commoner running by and just dropped him. It was a memorable moment

David Trueheart wrote:
Oh it is a great one. We are finishing it off tomorrow with two new characters. One died due to running into ogre. The other got knocked out and sacrificed to Grazz't. The mob freaking out from the swarm and zombie was fun. My wife, playing a chaos monk, took a AoO on a commoner running by and just dropped him. It was a memorable moment

Have you shown Jarod...uhhh...the warlock guy the Thrall of Graz'zt prestige class?>;p

David Trueheart wrote:
My wife, playing a chaos monk, took a AoO on a commoner running by and just dropped him. It was a memorable moment

I'm not familiar with chaos monks, but by "dropped him" you mean knocked out and not killed, I hope.

yeah knocked out. Chaos monk are a variant that was in the Waterdeep issue of Dragon year, year and a half ago. Can be really broken if you start out with a barb level then switch to the monk levels. Raging grappler.

David Trueheart wrote:
yeah knocked out. Chaos monk are a variant that was in the Waterdeep issue of Dragon year, year and a half ago. Can be really broken if you start out with a barb level then switch to the monk levels. Raging grappler.

For some reason, Trueheart builds these heinous munchkins for his wife to play and then is dimayed when she does, in fact, run amok all over the place.

She played a halfling barbarian/scout/fighter with Leap Attack and Monkey Grip in one of my games. I cringed whenever she'd reach for the dice.

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