Missing 149

Customer Service

Haven't seen hide nor hair of Issue 149. Wasn't sure if this was the place to post the question or not; apologies if not. Thanks!

Paizo Employee Director of Sales

Allen Dawson wrote:
Haven't seen hide nor hair of Issue 149. Wasn't sure if this was the place to post the question or not; apologies if not. Thanks!

This is exactly the right place! I will get a replacement issue shipped out to you as soon as possible.

And this one will have hide AND hair! I guarantee* it!


*not a guarantee

Gotta love good customer service. Let alone FAST and good customer service. Thanks!

Cosmo wrote:
Allen Dawson wrote:
Haven't seen hide nor hair of Issue 149. Wasn't sure if this was the place to post the question or not; apologies if not. Thanks!

This is exactly the right place! I will get a replacement issue shipped out to you as soon as possible.

And this one will have hide AND hair! I guarantee* it!


** spoiler omitted **

This one just arrived today. No hide or hair except on Orcus' belly. Thanks!

Paizo Employee Director of Sales

Allen Dawson wrote:
This one just arrived today. No hide or hair except on Orcus' belly. Thanks!


Hate to do this to you Cosmo, I'm sure you guys are busy enough, but I haven't seen #149 either. I'll take the hide and hair though, I want to see the look on the postman's face ;)

Paizo Employee Director of Sales

Lady Lena wrote:
Hate to do this to you Cosmo, I'm sure you guys are busy enough, but I haven't seen #149 either. I'll take the hide and hair though, I want to see the look on the postman's face ;)

I'll get your replacement sent out right away!


Cosmo wrote:

I'll get your replacement sent out right away!


You guys are so awesome! Thank you for your speedy reply.

Cosmo, thank you for the quick reply. The replacement copy just arrived. I tried to cancel it but was too late, as the original copy arrived later than expected. Thank the other doobies (however it's spelled) at Paizo for their efforts. I have a friend who'll certainly enjoy a copy of Dungeon 149 . . . though his wife might kill him for it=)

Cosmo, got 149 today, thank you so much! Looks like the game is on for this weekend yay!

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