Something weird...

Off-Topic Discussions

A new comedy panel show started on BBC1 tonight, called “Would I Lie To You?”, which features celebrities making statements, and the other panel has to decide whether it’s true or not.
One of the guests on this episode, a Lebanese-born British comedian called Dom Joly. His statement was “I was at school with Osama Bin Laden”. When questioned about it, Dom said that he remembered Osama as a rather intense person who used to play Dungeons and Dragons. The statement was true, by the way.
Presumably, this was before he became radicalized. How weird is that?


With what happens in the world today, that one is easy to buy. Once I verify it three times I may even repeat it.

Grand Lodge

I once played Vampite; the Requiem with Rue McClanahan. Pretty much the same thing.

Uh-oh. It's coming.
Thus ensued the witch hunt against D&D players:
It'll be like the twinkie defense.
"You play D&D?"(immediatly makes sign against evil)

Hopefully they won't notice us, If they do we all flee to R'lyeh.

I should probly say this on the 'Say What, Mr. Bush?' thread, and I'm sorry this is political, but I've got to say it: We will probably all be questioned, at the rate things are going.

kobold assassin wrote:
I should probly say this on the 'Say What, Mr. Bush?' thread, and I'm sorry this is political, but I've got to say it: We will probably all be questioned, at the rate things are going.

Good thing we're all heroic ‘Freedom Fighters’ and not ‘Terrorists’ then, we have nothing to worry about! ;)

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