
Dragon Magazine General Discussion

Stuff I'd personally like to see in the next several issues of Dragon Magazine:

Slaad Lords: Ygorl and Ssendam

The Diseased Ones: Anthraxus, Bubonix, Cholerix, and Typhus

Spellslinging the Good Fight: Spells designed to use against evil outsiders (such as Baatezu Bane or Tanar'ri Tribulation).

The Seelie/Unseelie Courts: Titania, Oberon, Skerrit, Emmantiensien, Eachthighern, and the Queen of Air and Darkness

The Draconic Element: Elemental Dragons (Fire, Water, Earth, Wind) and Paramental Dragons (Ooze, Magma, Ice, Smoke)

Chivalry Isn't Dead: Bonus Feats and Class Options for the Knight Class

Return to Isle of the Ape: Revised info on Gygax's King Kong Module

Cry of the Amazon: Info, Traits, and Flaws on playing core or planetouched females from all female ruled kingdoms or empires in all three Dungeons and Dragons settings as well as stats on three new prestige classes (Amazon Warrior, Amazon Priestess, and Witch Doctor)

Infernal Existence: A hidden seven layered plane called Infernus exists between Baator and Gehenna (unknown to any except Asmodeus, Demogorgon, and a few others). Ruling all of Infernus from his throne in Malefacta (the 7th Layer of Infernus) is none other than Asmodeus’s predecessor, Lucifer! Stats for Lucifer as well as a new prestige class (the Disciple of Lucifer) included.

I AM FAMINE: The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are tasked by the powers of the Multiverse to bring war, pestilence, famine, and death to any Prime World about to totally side with the forces of evil. Now at last all four are at last stated!

Liberty's Edge

I grok to the Island o.t. Ape request.

Liberty's Edge

grok= I dig it.

Berselius wrote:

Stuff I'd personally like to see in the next several issues of Dragon Magazine:

Infernal Existence: A hidden seven layered plane called Infernus exists between Baator and Gehenna (unknown to any except Asmodeus, Demogorgon, and a few others). Ruling all of Infernus from his throne in Malefacta (the 7th Layer of Infernus) is none other than Asmodeus’s predecessor, Lucifer! Stats for Lucifer as well as a new prestige class (the Disciple of Lucifer) included.

Moongoose Publishing came up with a series of books on this very subject called Inferinum and Lucifer was stated up in both the supplements "Epic Monsters" and one of the Tomb of Horror books.

I'd definitely agree on seeing "Slaad Lords", "Diseased Ones", and "Infernus".

Might I also add that I hope to see the "Hierarch Modrons" done via 3.5E upgrade? It'd be a waste not to.

And there's no "several" issues of Dragon magazine anymore. There's just 2 left. Then it's over.

Though it'd be one hell of a magazine blowout if they did all of the above in a huge #359 issue :D


Well the Slaad and the 'loths get my vote, but I suspect that everything planned for the final two issues has already been written (or at least planned for well in advance).

And to the OP, I doubt you'd ever see 'Infernum' or what have you since it's 3rd party IP.

Todd Stewart wrote:

Well the Slaad and the 'loths get my vote, but I suspect that everything planned for the final two issues has already been written (or at least planned for well in advance).

And to the OP, I doubt you'd ever see 'Infernum' or what have you since it's 3rd party IP.

Ok, I knew there was something wrong with that.

I read about Infernum and Lucifer in "Tome of Horrors", but that was about it. I didn't think they were related to anything in D&D, 1E or 2E.

So, yeah, as neat as it may be it won't ever happen because it's 3rd party.

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