Pathfinder & Greyhawk

Dungeon Magazine General Discussion

Sorry if this question has been asked already, but here goes...

I know Pathfinder has been described as 'greyhawkish' in tone, but I was wondering if there were any plans to actually post conversion material for running Pathfinder in Greyhawk (or Forgotten Realms or Ebberon. But I'm really just interested in GH, though I thought I'd mention the other 2 as some subscribers would no doubt be interested.)

It seems from what I've seen so far, the 2 worlds are actually quite different (different gods, even). So, if I was going to run it, I'd obviously want to make the conversion as simple as possible, and especially keeping it in tune with what the designers intended. My gaming group are too old and set in their ways to switch to a new game world after 20 years!

Simple notes for this published online would suffice to get me to subscribe -- like what was done with Age of Worms "Overload" (Manzorian is Tenser, the Free City is Greyhawk, etc.) Even if this was done in an 'unofficial' capacity, it would be a huge help, as Eric Mona & company know both Greyhawk & Pathfinder much better than I do, and we could certainly use some advice on this come August.

Thanks for your consideration.



since the other worlds are WOTC propery, they cannot post official conversion notes. we as a community can make non official ones though

Dark Archive Contributor

Cpt_kirstov wrote:
since the other worlds are WOTC propery, they cannot post official conversion notes. we as a community can make non official ones though

What the good captain says is the gospel truth.

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