Paizo make Dungeon Masters better

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

I just had to reply to this post because it is so true; but it was in the middle of an unsavory thread, so I plucked it out.

Sir Kaikillah wrote:

Dungeon and Dragon may be leaving Paizo and going on line, but it isn't over. More importantly Paizo isn't over, so the good work continues. The Adventure Paths has my gaming group convinced I'm an awsome DM.

Paizo make Dungeon Masters better.

I agree wholeheartedly. I can't place my finger on the exact cause, but my players do think our games are better since we started playing Adventure Paths. And for months, they didn't even know we were!

Sir Kaikillah wrote:
Still a good flogging would be good. You know for morale.

I couldn't cut that quote out because, you know, it's just good advice all around.

It always helps things out when you are standing on the shoulders of giants and stealing them blind! ~grins~ Of course you can't go too wrong by using the adventure paths combined with the forums. Each is good on their own, but combined, they are magic!

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