Submissions for Gamemastery . . .


Does Paizo allow for open submissions for Gamemastery modules?? Or is it a strictly in-house type of deal? Thanks

Paizo Employee Director of Games

There will certainly be opportunities for freelancers to work with us on the GameMastery line. We are still working out the details of this and hope to post some more information soon.

Jason Bulmahn
GameMastery Brand Manager

Jason Bulmahn wrote:

There will certainly be opportunities for freelancers to work with us on the GameMastery line. We are still working out the details of this and hope to post some more information soon.

Jason Bulmahn
GameMastery Brand Manager

Cool beans.

Dark Archive

Jason Bulmahn wrote:

There will certainly be opportunities for freelancers to work with us on the GameMastery line. We are still working out the details of this and hope to post some more information soon.

Jason Bulmahn
GameMastery Brand Manager

Can't wait to give it a shot, Jason. :)

Bit of a bump, but was anything like this ever worked out (I guess the same would apply to the Pathfinder stuff as well). If so can anyone gimme a handy link?


I wouldn't mind knowing for certain if Paizo is accepting any kind of open submissions as well. With the edition swap the market is closing up, and won't open back up until after the edition has settled in so it would be nice to hear from a staffer.

I imagine that's what the RPG Superstar contest was about...but I'd like to see more, that's for sure.

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