Polyhedron! to replace Dragon / Dungeon?

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

Liberty's Edge

Many of us are upset about WotC's handling of the Dragon/Dungeon periodicals. Even though I agree that it was extremely foolish on WotC/Hasbro's part. Business wise and especially customer relations wise. I won't get into that here.
Many hopefuls have asked if Paizo could just buy the liscence (which I don't think WotC/Hasbro would give them) Or start their own magazine (I think the editorial staff gave many good reasons, mainly that a new magazine would cost them millions, that and that they would be starting from scratch).But if you really want to keep a newstand pressence there is another property that people recognize (elimenating the need to start from scratch) and that Paizo has actually already published.
As you can see by my thread header I am of course taling about Polyhedron magazine. Officially the RPGA's newsletter, I'm sure it can be converted into the a general D&D/RPG magazine which many people would desire to see on store shelves.
As I said the pro's would be;
1) Name recognition (Not on par with Dragon or Dungeon, but still recognizable)
2) It already has a publishing history. Staff,contributors,etc.)
3) The organizational support of the RPGA.

Remember that Dragon itself started much the same way. A fan-zine really. Created by enthusiasts for enthusiasts. Which later grew into a huge entity, representative of the whole hobby.

My main worry would be that WotC would again see competition and decide to somehow pull the RPGA's Liscence. Although I would think it difficult considering it's a fan based organization. And would really piss off their customer base. Which I'm afraid big dumb companies are prone to do.

But overall I think It might be an idea worth exploring.
What do you think?

Look at the bottom of this page. WotC have also the trademark for polyhedron... ;-)

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber
Lautlos wrote:
Look at the bottom of this page. WotC have also the trademark for polyhedron... ;-)

....and they're using it it. It's an e-mailed newsletter.

Well, sort of. Basically it's a copy of the D&D webpage e-mailed to you on Fridays.

-The Gneech

Really? Just a dump of the webpage? This is so lame... especially considering they want to launch a huge new internet "thing" that replaces the magazines.

Well, it's intended to drive traffic to the website. It has linked headlines that take you to the story on the site.

-The Gneech

Liberty's Edge

I haven't gotten that e-mail in MONTHS since before SRM left the RPGA. It wasn't worth anything IMHO.


Liberty's Edge

Dam, always miss the fine print. Not only that but I'm afraid I might be seeing the future. Polyhedron? Online? Never heard of it.

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