Wik |

So, our group is running the Bar-Lgura's lair in "Here there be monsters". Much of it is going on fairly easily, with the PCs surviving the rockfall trap (no problem) and figuring out the "door puzzle" quickly. They're a little worried about the obvious relation to Demogorgon (in fact, two of my players are getting VERY apprehensive), but all's going well.
Then they get into the "Candle Room".
I fudged things just a little bit to make the puzzle easier (so that the PC that lit the candles didn't have to sit in the throne; any PC sitting in the throne after the candle was lit could see into the mirror). Once the Paladin got trapped into the mirror and the group had a hard time subduing him (the Paladin player loved having the chance to beat on his fellow PCs, and hit our Goliath fighter for a dear amount of damage), the group realized they weren't going to put up with that again.
This time, they bound the paladin up after stripping him, so that when he went feral the second time, he was already bound and easy to maintain.
No problem.
Once both mirrors were glowing, they decided it was time to touch them again. So, once more, the paladin (naked and bound) heads towards one of the mirrors, and touches it - teleported instantly into the Bar-Lgura's lair, TIED UP AND UNARMED!
Naturally, even though we still had 45 minutes of game time, I ended with "that was a mistake... session's over for today". Gotta love cliff-hangers.

Dag Hammarskjold |

Orlangu's lair was great, especially the candle trap. My group eventually started lighting the candles with a torch tied to a stick to avoid the 5' blast. But they blew out the candles to stop the curse. Twice. They had to start over each time.
I made it slightly tougher, ruling that the same person who lit the candle also had to be the one that sat in the throne. They eventually resorted to tying up one players cohort so that he could only move one arm, and only from the elbow. He was carried from torch to throne, and is not happy.
And after the fiendish monkeys, the necromancer player is busy researching the rules to make a skeletal horde.
Great times for all.

gaborg |

I started this dungeon in full reverse. The demons stalked and kidnapped the PCs and NPCs one by one, then they were hanged from chains in the room with the throne (room 8 i think). They had to find their way out (i knew they had several options) of their manacles, fight the fiendish baboon mob, get their stuff back from the secret door behind the throne, and now they are roaming the corridors. They already killed the females and the spirit naga and now they will have to decide to leave for a rest and return or continue on their way. They have no idea, that they are two doors away from Olangru and the statue... I hope they dont choose the wrong way.

Chris P |

Once both mirrors were glowing, they decided it was time to touch them again. So, once more, the paladin (naked and bound) heads towards one of the mirrors, and touches it - teleported instantly into the Bar-Lgura's lair, TIED UP AND UNARMED!Naturally, even though we still had 45 minutes of game time, I ended with "that was a mistake... session's over for today". Gotta love cliff-hangers.
Keep in mind the Barlguras are up top and require a listen check to notice people coming through the mirrors. A naked paladin probably doesn't make a bunch of sound.
That being said my group struggled with the mirror puzzle. In fact the party cleric got trapped in the mirror and turned on the party. It was an interesting scene watching them try and defend themselves without hurting the Cleric.

Wik |

Keep in mind the Barlguras are up top and require a listen check to notice people coming through the mirrors. A naked paladin probably doesn't make a bunch of sound.
Yeah, I know. One of the big reasons I ended early was because the playoffs were on, and I only had about half the group giving me full attention. So, we ended early and watched Dallas get trounced (woohoo!). Plus, i jump at the chance to end with a cliffhanger.
Next session is going to be fun, though.