Kevin Darlok |

How can he be mostly dead, your either dead or your not. Maybe we should get him to Father Grimburrow. At the least our friend will not lay in this damnable prison."
Kevin moves to the rope and begins setting it up to be a makeshift harness to hold his friends.
"Anyone that can climb should go ahead. I will climb and hopefully be able to pull the ones of you that cant make it up to the next floor. We will need one person to secure Galadan and then wait while we pull him out."

Andrea Greenholt |

"Dammit he can't be dead that wound wasn't enough to lay him low..something is not right here..but then nothing is right with this damnable place.I agree we need to get him to the church.We need the counsel of Pharasma"
She looks down at Galadan..
"You are not going to the Boneyard yet..not if I can help it."

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Your suspicions seem to have been right. Suddenly you notice a change in Galadan. He is still lying on the ground - but suddenly ghostly chains appear around him. They are decorated at many places with the spiral of Pharasma.
Galadan seems to struggle against them. He seems to be in pain.
Please carry on and post in spoilers now. I don't use initiative but you should try to have one action only until I give an indication of another round. I need to keep this in sync with Galadan's actions.
The rest of the group should be allowed to read your actions - only Galadan won't know what you are doing.
Let me know if you have any questions?

Wren the FeatherMage |

Wren will begin to chirp wildly as the chains wrap him.
1d20 + 10 ⇒ (18) + 10 = 28 Knowledge (Religion) (What does Wren think is happening?)
"Galadan, GALADAN!"
Wren will flutter her be-feathered wings, squawking.
If she learns anything useful, she will share with the party.

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you have seen similar chains upstairs around the remains of Father Charlatan. You know that somehow Galadan got effected by the Haunt of the Father Charlatan. You even know about the battle of wills that Galadan needs to win to defeat the Father - or to die trying.
It seems the hit by the skeleton must have triggered the battle of wills. Galadan truly seems to be fighting for his live against the haunt Father Charlatan and the chains are a manifestation of the wicked Father.
Wren - the spoiler tag is mean ;)

Wren the FeatherMage |

Wren shares the above spoiler with the all the non-Galadans.
Wren will touch Galadan and will continue to do so with her Diviner's Fortune. (Diviner's Fortune: +1 (8/day) (Sp) Creature touched gains +1 to attack rolls, skill checks, ability checks, and saving throws for 1r. 2/8 used today.)
"He needs all the help we can give him."

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You see sadness appear in the face of the cleric.
"You should have followed and trusted me. I'm here send by Pharasma to guide you. You after all should recognise that. I'm the only one who can help you. But you need to trust me."
Pain suddenly shoots through your body. You don't know where it is coming from but there seems to be no escape.
Damage HP 1d6 ⇒ 2
I told the rest of the group to post in spoilers. I try to keep you and the rest of the group in sync. I need one will save every round. I will indicate when I need the next one or when to slow down. You can already do the next one but it will only take effect when the others had one round of actions.

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you might want to share some of your knowledge. My spoiler back was only to you.
I placed an emoticum behind my sentence. This is a difficult scene to play. I need to ensure Galadan and you are - at least in character - convinced he just died. PBP makes this a lot easier as I can do parallel actions and don't have to get one player to a room outside.
But I can't read emotions and if I succeed too well and the player beliefs his character is dead and fe as cheated, then I went one step too far. The trick is getting as close to the line of belief without crossing it.
I think by now Galadan knows what is going on. I liked your tag line - it raises the stakes ... but I felt I needed to comment on it in case a miscommunication happens.

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I think I did share as I gave permissions to others to read the results of my know (rel) check.
My ':(' emoticon was me being silly. I think you and I are on the same page. Sorry for the confusion.
Hopefully, we'll find a way to save Galadan.

Andrea Greenholt |

All but Galadan
She places her ward on Galadan..(+2 AC +2 saves until hit or fail a save..and I know if this happens)
Basically Andrea will maintain the ward and cast resistance on Galadan as often as she can

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Wren, Aldous and Andrea try to place spells on Galadan to help him. To your surprise you notice that the magic seems not to reach Galadan. The chains seems to shield him from any attempts to help him in his battle with Father Charlatan.
But your spells are not totally in vain. You notice the arcane energies flashing as they try to reach Galadan and are repulsed by the chains. Small cracks appear where the chains fight off your magic.
Protection from Evil damage 1d6 ⇒ 2
Warding hex damage 1d6 ⇒ 2
Deviner Fortune damage 1d3 ⇒ 3
Andrea, Wren, Aldous - any effects of the spells are gone apart of the damage they have dealt. They won't have any effect next round but need new castings (if possible)
Nym can still act - but I will now have to wait for the next will save of Galadan.

Wren the FeatherMage |

Wren will touch Galadan and will continue to do so with her Diviner's Fortune. (Diviner's Fortune: +1 (8/day) (Sp) Creature touched gains +1 to attack rolls, skill checks, ability checks, and saving throws for 1r. 3/8 used today.)

Galadan Teresthin |

Will Save
1d20 + 5 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 5 + 2 + 1 = 26 including Judgment if its allowed.
He fixes his piercing gaze on the red haired priest.
"You aren't real! Not any longer, if you once were. You're an apparition, and have no true power over me!"

Nym Vallidorn |

Aldous Preklikin |

[b]"We seem to be able to 'harm' it successfully through other means; let's save the remaining siphons for a truly desperate situation..."
Over the course of the module to date, 9 vials of holy water have been discovered; I know Nym received at least one of those (and the other four non-Aldous people received two)...?

Wren the FeatherMage |

"You've got learn to fly someday, Galadan. Fly! Take wing! Be strong! Be brave!"
Wren will touch Galadan again with Diviner's Fortune. (Diviner's Fortune: +1 (8/day) (Sp) Creature touched gains +1 to attack rolls, skill checks, ability checks, and saving throws for 1r. 4/8 used today.)

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Indeed - if there ever is a good situation for a judgement than it's now.
The smile from Father Charlatans face disappears. It is replaced by anger.
"So you clever one - you think you and your friends found me out. But believe me you won't succeed. I've come back from my death and I won't go back.
You notice that your resolve seems to physically hurt the Father Charlatan.
Damage on Father Charlatan 1d6 ⇒ 2
The group keeps well up with you - another round and another will save. Please dont add any bonus apart of the judgement. You are not aware of everything that is going on and it makes my live easier if I apply everything from the group once instead of checking what you added or not.

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The holy water washes over the chains. It looks like they corrode under the touch of the holy water.
Aldous and Wren carry on using magic - and more cracks appear.
Holy Water 1d6 ⇒ 4
Protection from Evil 1d6 ⇒ 5
Devisers Fortune 1d3 ⇒ 3
Nym - Holy water might be the easiest solution right now. You need to make an attack roll as it is not automatic that you hit.
The chains now are nearly in shreds. They struggle to contain Galadan much longer.

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Andrea reaches out towards Galadan. The chains seem to be close to bursting. Galadan seems to have a last spasm of pain (damage 1d6 ⇒ 2) then the chains burst and disappear as if they have never been there.
Galadan looks haunt and disoriented - but he is alive.
Can you do the hex multiple times on the same person per day? Please let me know for next time.

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220 XP each for the skeletons and 320 XP for defeating Father Charlatan.
You can prepare to level up. I would like to do the level up while you rest at Lorrimors place. So up to you if you feel strong enough to carry on this day or are happy to have defeated one more of the Five and come back next day levelled up.
Thanks to Galadan who did great. Always a danger to 'pick' on a character.

Aldous Preklikin |

Well, before we were 'interrupted' by the skeletons, Wren was cleaning the 'name-plates' so we could see what they said - I would like to know what our 'options' are before we decide where to go next.
For the record, I am happy to keep going.

Aldous Preklikin |

Aldous shrugs.
"How about we explore the Northern passage first? Of the three options, it sounds the least forbidding..."
He then carefully moves in the direction of the Northern passage, to take a look, his celestial eagle sitting on his shoulder...
Perception: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (4) + 0 = 4.

Wren the FeatherMage |

Well played, Galadan.
Wren is happy to continue on.
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17 Intelligence Check - Which of the 4 doors is previous owner of my precious spellbook most likely to be behind?
Wren is anxious to take on the one who has been writing her name in blood.
The ghost is an albatross around my neck.

Nym Vallidorn |

"Good to see you breathing my friend." Nym says to Galadan, offering him a hand up.
Stepping forward to read the plates..."They all sound equally charming, in an oh-so Harrowstone manner to me." Nym says after getting a look at them.
"North is fine with me."
I'm good for going a little further. When we level up I'll have Nym's stats fully switched over with the new archetype.

Galadan Teresthin |

As the chains burst and Galadan can feel the air rush into his lungs once again, the visions that had tormented him finally faded away.
He gulped for air, a look of genuine relief and gratitude in his normally grave and serious face. "Thank you.... I-I- thought I would be trapped there forever."
As he stands up, he looks around the room. "I hope that is the last we will see of Father Charlatan."
I need to look over the new Inquisitor archetypes. Perhaps change out my domain power for something else, if that's allowed. I haven't really used it as much as I thought I would.
Galadan takes the opportunity to focus his attention on the four directions, casting detect undead to see if there are any further threats.

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Galadan moves over to the Northern corridor. It stretches some 20 foot north before opening up. 15 feet into the corridor you notice an open door.
Galadan notices an undead aura coming from the direction of the door.
Please let me know where everyone wants to be. You can place yourself up to 10 feet into the corridor or anywhere in the room with the 8 skeletons where you are currently. I will then start initiative next.
The corridor is only 5 feet wide - please keep this in mind.
Galadan - sorry for not giving you enough time to check out the other directions - but what's in the northern direction can also sense you and as such it makes most sense to let it act now that Aldous was keen to go that direction (and I assume he is close to look down the corridor). At least you won't get surprised.

Nym Vallidorn |

Nym would like to be towards the front, preferably 5' behind Galadan (as in one empty square between us).

Aldous Preklikin |

How high is the corridor? I ask from the perspective of wanting to know whether the eagle can conceivably fly above some and attack.
Since the first three positions seem to have been spoken for, I guess Aldous will go 4th ;-)

Wren the FeatherMage |

Wren is to go last or next to last.
The old bird is just happy to be around nestmates.
"Blah blah chirp blah chirp, Galadan! Blah chirp, chirp, blah, naked halfling, blah chirp cheep. Blah blah chirp unholy spinach. Blah..." Wren chatters nervously.

Galadan Teresthin |

Galadan holds up a hand silently. "There is an undead presence to the north, but whether it is a haunt or some undead creature animated by the powers here remains to be seen." He speaks in hushed tones, as he readies his crossbow, loading it with an undead bane bolt..
He listens carefully to the other side of the doorway, trying to determine if the undead aura is moving closer to them.
1d20 + 12 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 12 + 2 = 19

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Here is a new map.
I did a slight mistake by assuming the map was 1 square = 5 feet and not 10. So the corridor is wide enough for 2 people next to each other. I have taken this into account.
Flying - unfortunately the dungeon is only 8 feet high. Not enough space for the Eagle to fly and attack.
You carefully move into the corridor - sensing someone undead ahead. Another skeleton seems to be ahead. It swings a hand axe and is burning. It's head is missing.
The skeleton ahead seems to be blind. It's movements are more careful. But it seems to know his territory and even without sight it seems to know that you are around and where you are.

Aldous Preklikin |

Round 1:
Perception: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (17) + 0 = 17.
Aldous raises an eyebrow, as the rather ridiculous apparition moves forward...
A headless, flaming skeleton...?
"I think... it might be blind."
He then urges the Eagle to move forward, rushing past the skeleton to a flanking position...
If it is actually blind, I do not think that it can make AoOs, but just in case, the eagle will 'tumble' (weaving and jinking) around it.
Acrobatics: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20.
...before clubbing the skeleton with its beak!
Bite: 1d20 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 3 + 2 = 15, for 1d4 ⇒ 1 S/B damage.
Aldous then lays a hand on Kevin's shoulder, and casts a spell (Guidance).