Savage Tide extras...?

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

I personally do not have a subscription to Dungeon or Dragon; not by choice but because of finances. I am about to start running the Savage Tide adventure path, and have borrowed several issues of dungeon, ordered backorders of a few others, and downloaded the free player's handbook for the STAP.

However I have been told that there are many supplemental articles in Dragon issues, and I would like to have those as well.

I have a few friends with Dragon subscriptions - so I can most assuredly get any issues I need; I just don't have any idea which ones have the extras for Savage Tide...

So, can someone provide a list for me?

Issue #, Article name, and if possible, page #? Really, even just issue #s are fine, the rest is help to my laziness ;)


No page numbers but the first one is in #348 (Vecna is on the cover) October of 06 (I think). Savage Tidings is the name of the article see dragon issues. They go through the current issue and will continue for a total of 12. A few other articles are in there as well since an 'ecology of...' article was done on the Isle of Dread and on koprus, but they are in the same issues. They have some spoilers, so you will want to find them in order or near to it if you are sharing with your players. I might point out that a subscription is cheaper by far than back issues (especially after shipping) and they do have a month to month option.

I had thought my days of DMing were behind me forever, and though I love the info in both mags, didn't see the financial sense in subscribing to either when I only played occasionally (never DMing), and several friends have subscriptions to Dragon, allowing me to read theiir mags after them.

However, now that I am committed to running at least this one ore campaign (friends were on their knees begging me, had to cave in and make time in my schedule), I persuaded my wife it is a reasonable investment... so I now am a subscriber to both mags.

Of course I still have to borrow or buy back issues for the majority of this AP, but I'll be getting a year's worth of wonderful reading now.

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