Using Monster Smarter

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

I'd like to see a quick article about how to use a monster's powers and abilities to their best advantage. Preferably a bare bones style where I can taylor monsters into any world I want.

KissMeDarkly wrote:
I'd like to see a quick article about how to use a monster's powers and abilities to their best advantage. Preferably a bare bones style where I can taylor monsters into any world I want.

This is a good idea, while a few articles have been done over the years regarding the tactics and tricks of specific monsters, it would be nice to have an article that gives rookie or braindead (we all have those moments) DMs a good clue on what tactics monsters of certain types would favor. And not types like dragon, outsider, aberration. I mean like: High/Low AC, High/Low HP, High/Low Attack Bonus, Etc.

High Attack Bonus? Power Attack, possibly with sunder attempts if AC is high to avoid Attack of Opp.

High AC? Use of suitable manuvers that provoke (trip, disarm, etc) if AC seems high enough to resist attacks, especially grapple, since that is killed by damage dealt.

Low AC? Activate any defensive abilities that provide miss chance (invisibility, obscuring mist). Make use of hide skill.

This sounds like a great article idea!

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