At last, I know why the issues are running behind!

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

The publishers have to split their time between World of Warcraft, D&D, and their recently acquired Lord of the Rings Online beta (which is much less "cookie cutter" than I had imagined it would be). To quote the nature shows just before the cub is eaten: "Sadly, there can be but one outcome..."

mwbeeler wrote:
The publishers have to split their time between World of Warcraft, D&D, and their recently acquired Lord of the Rings Online beta (which is much less "cookie cutter" than I had imagined it would be). To quote the nature shows just before the cub is eaten: "Sadly, there can be but one outcome..."

I hope the publishers aren't playing a watered down content and cartoony graphical game called WoW. I would hope they need more than kill, loot, repeat.

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