Subbing Cthulhu for Demogorgon.. How possible is it?

Savage Tide Adventure Path

My idea for a STAP campaign is to switch the two to create a more Lovecraftian atmosphere to the campaign. Maybe a touch of Dagon as well, or even Dagon (he's Demogorgon's buddy right?) instead of ole Thooly. Up to this point in the adventure path (I've read thru issue 145) it doesn't seem like too much of a rework, but I fear what the future installments of the campaign might hold that might make such a change impossible.


Change bullywog Gambit to Deep-one Gambit.

Liberty's Edge

Do you want to use Greyhawk, or early 20th century earth?

Where there's a will, there's a way...

Swapping Big C for Demo-G? R'lyeh for Gaping Maw?

It should be possible. If using Cthulhu D20, replace some of the standard monsters along the way for those of queerer flesh. Also, having the destination R'lyeh on (or just behind the veil of reality of) the Greyhawk world, rather than in the Abyss, would more closely match the cloying immediacy of terror found the the Cthulhu stories.

Heathansson wrote:

Do you want to use Greyhawk, or early 20th century earth?

Where there's a will, there's a way...


Currently I have a big revolt going on in the Abyss as the reemergence of Cthulhu is shaking up the power structure as various demon factions are trying to cut new deals with the powers and followers of Cthulhu and the entrenched power is trying to maintain their domination though they know they cannot resist power of Cthulhu's magnitude; so, pc are being attacked and aided by various demon factions as the pc's persue the prevention of the awakening and return of the Cthulhu pantheon. With this in mind; it is entirely possible to sub the Cthulhu pantheon for everyone or anyone in the evil domain.

Gold Katana wrote:

Swapping Big C for Demo-G? R'lyeh for Gaping Maw?

It should be possible. If using Cthulhu D20, replace some of the standard monsters along the way for those of queerer flesh. Also, having the destination R'lyeh on (or just behind the veil of reality of) the Greyhawk world, rather than in the Abyss, would more closely match the cloying immediacy of terror found the the Cthulhu stories.

Yeah, or Dagon's place.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

I actaully wouldn't use Cthulhu in Demogorgon's place, since Cthulhu's sleeping and his influence on the world is a lot more subtle than Demogorgon's, who's taking an active role in bringing ruin to the Material Plane. Nyarlathotep's a better choice, especially since he has 1,000 different forms; you can just have Demogorgon be one of them and it works pretty good. Dagon's already got an alliance with Demogorgon, so you could even sub Dagon in for Demogorgon and that'd work pretty well too.

The biggest change, of course, is that if you do a Lovecraft version of Savage Tide, you probably shouldn't set the last four adventures in the Abyss. It'd be better if they were set in Earth's Dreamlands.

Beaten to it. In my version of STAP, I was considering using Tsathoggua in Demogorgon's place. Also, I am considering advancing STAP 40 years in the future (just to avoid any potentials spoilers for players).

Any particular advice for the dreamland? Does Manual of the Planes cover anything like this?

ssampier wrote:

Beaten to it. In my version of STAP, I was considering using Tsathoggua in Demogorgon's place. Also, I am considering advancing STAP 40 years in the future (just to avoid any potentials spoilers for players).

Any particular advice for the dreamland? Does Manual of the Planes cover anything like this?

Your best bet would be to pick up the Chaosium Supplement of the Dreamlands. Also to familiarize yourself with it check out the Lovecraft story "Quest for the Unknown Kaddath" if you haven't already. Converting Chaosium's Call of Cthulhu RPG to D20 would be an exercise in futility (in my humble opinion) but you can definitely find some sweet ideas there.

~ Bryon ~

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Yeah, grab the Dreamland book from Chaosium. It's really pretty nifty, and it's a LOT easier to convert this setting to D&D than the 1920's setting that most CoC games take place in.

Liberty's Edge

Dreamlands is easily one of the coolest game books anywhere by any manufacturer. And the setting is pretty much medieval fantasy in flavor, so D&D stuff fits right on in. It's a lot like Ravenloft; i.e. powerful dreamer personalities can pretty much shape a kingdom to fit their concept of what reality should be.
And it has some of the weirdest monsters you'll see. I get a lot of happiness from that book
I've seen on the Green Ronin boards people putting Freeport campaigns in the Dreamlands. It's pretty fun.

Liberty's Edge

I think using Dreamlands, you could substitute for, or even simply retcon Demogorgon; ole two head would fit right in there.

Thanks. That Dreamlands book does look nice. I do have d20 Cthulhu book for conversions if absolutely necessary; otherwise I use it purely for brain-food (fluff).

Sovereign Court

I Love the idea of Cthulhu, but maybe Dagon is better, the hole Lovecraft theme is a nice touch.

Dark Archive

Heathansson wrote:

I've seen on the Green Ronin boards people putting Freeport campaigns in the Dreamlands. It's pretty fun.

When do you have time to browse other boards? Don't you post on this one, like, three hundred times a day?

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