Do you REALLY know 3.5?


Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

I'm starting this thread as a repository of stuff that has changed between 3.0 and 3.5. I've been wrong about the newest rules set one too many times because I've gotten too accustomed to 3.0 rules and just never bothered to do all the reading I probably should have to refamiliarize myself after the update. Don't bother commenting on the changes to the core classes (such as the additional features added to rangers and monks) but if a core mechanic of a class's ability has changed, that is worthy of being noted. I'll start out with a few things off the top of my head:

  • When sundering weapons, in 3.0 a weapon could not damage another weapon which possessed a greater enhancement bonus than it did, making +5 weapons invulnerable to anything but other +5 weapons and epic weapons. In 3.5, additional enhancement bonuses simply award more hardness and hit points to the weapon, 2 hardness and 10 hp per point of enhancement.
  • The Energy Substitution feat allowed a caster to select 'Sonic' as an energy type in 3.0. In 3.5, the options have been restricted to acid, cold, fire, or electricity.
  • Haste in 3.0 allowed a character to take an additional standard action at the end of their regular action for the round, allowing casters to cast two spells in one round, fighters to make a charge attack followed by another single attack, and all sorts of other things. In 3.5, the spell has been watered down to only allow an additional attack IF the character took a full attack action that round but makes up for this by awarding extra speed, a boost to AC and Reflex saves, and the ability to apply the spell to multiple targets with a single casting.
  • Time Stop in 3.0 allowed a caster to 'set-up' several spells during the time freeze which would all 'go off' at the end of the time stop's duration. This included spells that had creatures as a target, such as a horrendous cloud of multiple castings of magic missile or fireball. In 3.5, spells with targets other than the caster himself fail to function since their effects now go off instantly inside the 'pseudo-rounds' of time stop and creatures other than the caster are immune to the effects of such spells during this time, though summonings still function normally I believe.

Please, if you come up with something, throw it up here. I'm sure it will be enlightening for a lot of people (myself included).

Sovereign Court

Fatespinner wrote:

I'm starting this thread as a repository of stuff that has changed between 3.0 and 3.5. I've been wrong about the newest rules set one too many times because I've gotten too accustomed to 3.0 rules and just never bothered to do all the reading I probably should have to refamiliarize myself after the update. Don't bother commenting on the changes to the core classes (such as the additional features added to rangers and monks) but if a core mechanic of a class's ability has changed, that is worthy of being noted. I'll start out with a few things off the top of my head:


  • When sundering weapons, in 3.0 a weapon could not damage another weapon which possessed a greater enhancement bonus than it did, making +5 weapons invulnerable to anything but other +5 weapons and epic weapons. In 3.5, additional enhancement bonuses simply award more hardness and hit points to the weapon, 2 hardness and 10 hp per point of enhancement.
  • The Energy Substitution feat allowed a caster to select 'Sonic' as an energy type in 3.0. In 3.5, the options have been restricted to acid, cold, fire, or electricity.
  • Haste in 3.0 allowed a character to take an additional standard action at the end of their regular action for the round, allowing casters to cast two spells in one round, fighters to make a charge attack followed by another single attack, and all sorts of other things. In 3.5, the spell has been watered down to only allow an additional attack IF the character took a full attack action that round but makes up for this by awarding extra speed, a boost to AC and Reflex saves, and the ability to apply the spell to multiple targets with a single casting.
  • Time Stop in 3.0 allowed a caster to 'set-up' several spells during the time freeze which would all 'go off' at the end of the time stop's duration. This included spells that had creatures as a target, such as a horrendous cloud of multiple castings of magic missile or fireball. In 3.5, spells with targets other than the caster...
  • In 3.0 swimming got a penalty of -1 per 5 pounds carried and armor check penalty in 3.5 now it is double armor skill check penalty AND encumberance penalty.

    Sovereign Court

    Fatespinner wrote:

    I'm starting this thread as a repository of stuff that has changed between 3.0 and 3.5. I've been wrong about the newest rules set one too many times because I've gotten too accustomed to 3.0 rules and just never bothered to do all the reading I probably should have to refamiliarize myself after the update. Don't bother commenting on the changes to the core classes (such as the additional features added to rangers and monks) but if a core mechanic of a class's ability has changed, that is worthy of being noted. I'll start out with a few things off the top of my head:


  • When sundering weapons, in 3.0 a weapon could not damage another weapon which possessed a greater enhancement bonus than it did, making +5 weapons invulnerable to anything but other +5 weapons and epic weapons. In 3.5, additional enhancement bonuses simply award more hardness and hit points to the weapon, 2 hardness and 10 hp per point of enhancement.
  • The Energy Substitution feat allowed a caster to select 'Sonic' as an energy type in 3.0. In 3.5, the options have been restricted to acid, cold, fire, or electricity.
  • Haste in 3.0 allowed a character to take an additional standard action at the end of their regular action for the round, allowing casters to cast two spells in one round, fighters to make a charge attack followed by another single attack, and all sorts of other things. In 3.5, the spell has been watered down to only allow an additional attack IF the character took a full attack action that round but makes up for this by awarding extra speed, a boost to AC and Reflex saves, and the ability to apply the spell to multiple targets with a single casting.
  • Time Stop in 3.0 allowed a caster to 'set-up' several spells during the time freeze which would all 'go off' at the end of the time stop's duration. This included spells that had creatures as a target, such as a horrendous cloud of multiple castings of magic missile or fireball. In 3.5, spells with targets other than the caster...
  • In 3.0Shields used to be Large and Small and were considered light in your off hand for 2 weapon fighting in 3.5 shields are heavy and light and light is considered light while heavy is considered 1 1 handed weapon for 2 weapon fighting - the damage they do also changed (see PH shield description)

    Fatespinner, I've found this PDF from Wizards to be quite invaluable. :)

    The monk class got an amazing overhaul from 3.0 to 3.5. Sorry I don't actually have a 3.0 book so I lack the specifics.

    Sexi Golem wrote:
    The monk class got an amazing overhaul from 3.0 to 3.5. Sorry I don't actually have a 3.0 book so I lack the specifics.

    I dont have the 3.0 book on me but I do know that the monk no longer has the Leap of the Clouds ability because they overhauled the Jump skill to be more dependent on you exact role and not a persons height.

    The monk can now choose between two feats at 1st, 2nd or 6th level.

    The ambidexterity feat is gone.

    The ranger now has D8 HP and a ton of new abilities. Better Reflex saves too.

    Bards also got a kick in the ass and a new picture.

    The spell Time Stop will allow for spells to be cast with an area effect but no specific targets other than oneself.

    The modifiers for cover and concealment are extremely vague in 3.5 and that just pisses me off.

    That is all I can come up with for now.

    Grappling has been overhauled. Turning has yet to be really useable past 3rd level.. well, except on vampires.

    Did you know that Harm now does 10 points of damage per caster level? In 3.0 the target would remain with 1d4 hitpoints if it failed its save.

    I miss that spell...really, after it saved me from a white dragon. Mass harm anyone?

    I do believe there was also a lessening on the feats to lower negatives when dual wielding, if I'm not mistaken. I couldn't look it up right now because my library is away from me, but if someone could confirm this, that would be great.

    It was ambidexterity as Atlas said a few post up.


    Sovereign Court

    Wilderness lore was removed as a skill and Survival took its place. Slight-of-hand replaced Pick Pockets for more variety of use. Intimidate was made a fighter class skill. Those are the skill changes I can remember off the top of my head.

    Cylerist wrote:
    In 3.0 swimming got a penalty of -1 per 5 pounds carried and armor check penalty in 3.5 now it is double armor skill check penalty AND encumberance penalty.

    I don't believe those stack, even in this case. Page 161 reads, "If your character is wearing armour, use the worse figure (from armour or from load) for each category. Do not stack the penalties."

    Horses now take up 10 square feet, rather than 10 ft. x 5 ft.

    Which makes it kind of odd for the seven compadres to line up as they cross the desert, taking up SEVENTY FEET of space (!)

    But I suppose they could always squeeze together. (-2 atks, -2 AC, share half of each other's space)

    Delericho wrote:
    Cylerist wrote:
    In 3.0 swimming got a penalty of -1 per 5 pounds carried and armor check penalty in 3.5 now it is double armor skill check penalty AND encumberance penalty.
    I don't believe those stack, even in this case. Page 161 reads, "If your character is wearing armour, use the worse figure (from armour or from load) for each category. Do not stack the penalties."

    Delericho is right. Swimming is MUCH easier in 3.5, both to calculate and the final modifier. You should never have worse than a -12 modifier to your swim skill from equipment, unless you're wearing non-masterwork half-plate and holding a tower shield in each hand (with a buckler strapped on each arm for kicks). That setup would net you a -58 penalty to your swim check. Whee!

    Dark Archive

    Skills no longer provide a "synergy" bonus....they are all un-named bonus.

    Greater spell focus no longer gives a +2 to DC its just an additional +1

    Shield spell no longer provides "cover" in 3.5 and no longer has a facing direction.

    Dark Archive

    Rift wrote:

    Did you know that Harm now does 10 points of damage per caster level? In 3.0 the target would remain with 1d4 hitpoints if it failed its save.

    I miss that spell...really, after it saved me from a white dragon. Mass harm anyone?

    But Harm still can not slay its just leaves them with one hit point if it would otherwise slay them.

    Hold person now allows a save every round instead of a one time only save when it was casted.

    Dark Archive

    Thanis Kartaleon wrote:

    Horses now take up 10 square feet, rather than 10 ft. x 5 ft.

    Which makes it kind of odd for the seven compadres to line up as they cross the desert, taking up SEVENTY FEET of space (!)

    But I suppose they could always squeeze together. (-2 atks, -2 AC, share half of each other's space)

    ALL creatures have an even square space. Everything is either 10x10 15x15 ect.... no more 10x5 or 20x10 (thank god!!)

    DmRrostarr wrote:
    Greater spell focus no longer gives a +2 to DC its just an additional +1

    And a bunch of other nerfing of spells and metamagic feats to bring wizards down to a level closer to fighters (vastly reduced duration on bull's strength, et al.; +6 instead of +4 level adjustment for Persistent spells; etc.)

    DmRrostarr wrote:
    But Harm still can not slay its just leaves them with one hit point if it would otherwise slay them.

    It's against the spirit of the spell, but technically if you have 51 or more hit points when harm is cast, you must make a save vs. death from massive damage.

    Scarab Sages

    I think that one of the biggest changes was the haste spell. A third level spell that allowed wizards to cast 2 spells a round was insane.

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