Dex based Fighter... er, swashbuckler

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

The Exchange

How could i make the best out of my swashbuckler character, what are some good feats to take and things like that? i'm open for suggestions, he's still only a lvl 4 character.

Sovereign Court

I haven't yet been drawn to play a swashbuckler for a full session, but based on the strengths of the class I would opt to get Spring Attack as early as possible. This choice lets you take more advantage of cover and terrain in a fight, since you'll wear less armor than an average fighter.

Do you have access to the Player's Handbook II?

A feat in there that I'm fond of is Einhander, which is great for a Swashbuckler.

Are you planning on multi-classing at all? What race is your character?

Have you taken the class swashbuckler or are you just a dex based fighter as your title says? Some more info would help.


The Exchange

sorry. my character is a swashbuckler, i do have the PHB II and i have looked at einhander, and it does look like a good idea, another feat that i noticed was the combat panache feat, that looks pretty cool because i have a pretty decent Charisma score and my race is Half-Elf.

Dark Archive

Just in the off chance your swashbuckler happens to be fighting next to a swordsage who is always in the Island of Blades stance, you should probably focus on feats that take advantage of FLANKED OPPONENTS!!!!

Sovereign Court

This is a semi-related question, but isn't there a feat for "tagging"? If you're unfamiliar with the term, tagging your opponent in combat means showing off your superior talent by slicing holes in clothes, feathers off of hats, buttons from shirts, etc. I found this sort of idea to be the flavor of the swashbuckler.

The Exchange

i dont see why i would need a feat to tag someone couldn't i just make a perform(swordplay) or something like that. and yes on the off chance at you being right kikai13 i am fighting next to a sword-sage and i might make use of the vexing flanker feat. (at least i think thats what the feat is called) are you some kind of psycic, it's like you playing the sword-sage yourself.

The Exchange

oh, double post. ha ha ha

anyway, i found a prestige class yesterday called the Mountebank in the the complete scoundrel. it gives me sneak attack and a special abilty "sideslip" which allows me to take and imediate action to teleport up to 20ft like the spell "dimension door" but i cant take people. tell me what you think about it.

Scarab Sages

If I remember correctly, many of the swashbuckler's class abilities rely on the character wearing light armor or no armor and having as little encumberance as possible. In that case, I would, as soon as possible, invest in mithral armor. It weighs less and has a lower armor check penalty. Also, a mithral breastplate or mithral chainmail are considered light armor.

Also, I'd invest in a Heward Handy Haversack - it holds up to 120 lbs of stuff and only weighs 5 lbs. I like it better than a bag of holding because when you reach in, whatever you want is right there.

Dark Archive

It is indeed vexing flanker that you are looking for, and it's in the PHB II. However, you do need to take combat reflexes first.
Also--listen to your friend Aberzombie. Those are some great suggestions.

Vendle wrote:
This is a semi-related question, but isn't there a feat for "tagging"? If you're unfamiliar with the term, tagging your opponent in combat means showing off your superior talent by slicing holes in clothes, feathers off of hats, buttons from shirts, etc. I found this sort of idea to be the flavor of the swashbuckler.

The Combat Panache feat has you covered on this one. The sneering glower feature of this feat allows you to make an Intimidate check against an opponent you have dealt damage to that round. If successful they take a some serious penalties while fighting you, and if you have a DM who can narrate combat flavor text on the fly, he/she can easily turn it into some condescending show of swordskill.

If you don't want this feat though, you could sunder your opponent's clothing and work it out with your DM to allow a circumstance modifier to Intimidate. That is just my 2-cents.

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