Scuttlecove Backdrop vs. Porphyry House Horror

Savage Tide Adventure Path

How do these two compare and contrast with each other? I'm trying to determine whether or not it would be worth buying the backdrop if I already own Dungeon Issue #95.

Mmmm... Rum! Captain Morgan's Private Stock for me, thanks!

Awww... no more piratese.

Anyway, my question still stands. :)


Short answer, yes, it's worth getting.

Longer answer, you're going to find a lot more details on the town, its factions, and interesting locations. The other thing to consider is that it will be updated to reflect current events. The information in #95 may still apply in a general sense, but as far as current events and the powers that be, it will obviously be out of date and some parts simply defunct.

Edit: Whew! Not a smurf. What a relief!

Double Edit: DAMMIT!

Steve Greer wrote:

Edit: Whew! Not a smurf. What a relief!

Double Edit: DAMMIT!

Are smurfs surface svirfneblin or just gnomes who paint themselves blue? or is this a rare breed of gnomish mutation? :)

Porphyry House Horror has some great adult material that you may find unique. Myself, I found it well worth the price I paid on Ebay.

Amaril wrote:
How do these two compare and contrast with each other? I'm trying to determine whether or not it would be worth buying the backdrop if I already own Dungeon Issue #95.

What is this backdrop you would purchase? Savage Tidings from Dragon?

Frog God Games

The backdrop is in the same issue as the adventure "Serpents of Scuttlecove"....

SMURF! (heehee)

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