Demons in the Flanaess (GreyHawk)

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

did the Crook of Rao remove all evil outsiders in the entire world..we are wanting to lay this question to rest..if anyone can point us towards a answer it would be alot of help..the last update we have is Living Greyhawk Gazetteer dated 2000.

here's a start: Crook of Rao

My reading of it was that the Crook broke the back of the army of evil outsiders that comprized the army of Iuz. Individual evil outsiders are still around, but scattered and furious, retaining little of their former power.

thanks guys that helps alot :) we figured that it couldn't have banished them all because a lot of the Dungeon Modules set in Greyhawk had demons etc..but in the original Gazetteer it makes it sound like all of them got banished so we wanted to make sure and see what the consensus was.

While the Crook banished most of the fiends, it surely does not prevent fiends to return or be summoned anew. What´s more, Iuz is technically a Cambion, but as he is a demigod on his homeplane, he cannot be banished, and he has pacts with other fiends, so he will have replacements back in short order.


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