Lawgiver |

Ok, remember I do 2nd ed. (Yeah, I know y'all are tired of me reminding you). But, I was just thinking that people always talk about their party of adventurers in a way that says they're the only ones in the group. Oh, occasionally the DM will toss in an assisting NPC or two, but it's usually just the core characters.
Do any of you really use Henchmen and Followers for the characters much?
If not, why not?
If so, what are some of the more interesting outcomes or problems that resulted?

Rezdave |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Do any of you really use Henchmen and Followers for the characters much?
If not, why not? If so, what are some of the more interesting outcomes or problems that resulted?
I DM my group. At 5th level they were in the mountains rescueing a band of dwarves whose mine was overtaken by a kobold tribe and band of troglodytes led by a drow. During the final battles the drow escaped with a few trogs, and when the PCs emerged they found their mounts and pack-animals slain as a winter storm was blowing in. They spent the winter with the dwarves until the passes opened again with the spring thaw.
Currently 13th level and now with land and estates, the Cleric (the only remaining member of that version of the party) is married to an archeology professor who accompanies the party and helps them research sites, gather rumors and lore before delving, solve riddles and so forth. She also has a 5th level "apprentice" Cleric of her faith, a pair of 1/1 Fighter-Ranger "Sentinels" who keep an eye on their camp as well as a trio of pages, two of them girls from an orphanage for which she has decided to sponsor a type of "work-study" program to help girls too old for the orphanage avoid life on the street (taking some as pages, but sponsoring others as apprentice chambermaids, scullery maids, servant-girls and so forth in addition to the occasional seamstress or other trade).
Her companions in the party include a Specialty Priest with his own 5th level assistant who during combat has been useful remaining invisible with curative wands in hand, as well as 2nd level Ranger and Rogue cohorts who help with his research, but also oversee getting him from site to site and then arrange lodgings in town, gathering rumors and information from locals and so forth.
There is the Fighter/Rogue who has a military commando background. After service in two recent wars he resigned from the army as a Sergeant Major and recruited a small group of similar mustered-out veteran commandos to join him, and so now has a 4/4 sergeant and four 2/2 corporals in his service to not only join in combat but are useful for stake-outs and tailing suspects in urban situations, investigations and so forth.
The Ranger who has been investigating the suspicious disappearance of an NPC and her ties to a coven of witches stumbled into a Rogue opposing the same coven, and took the 6th level spy under his wing due to his own deficit in Charisma skills.
So it is that our PCs have taken assistants, apprentices and cohorts who compliment their skills and occasionally counter-balance their weaknesses. They are quite attached to their cohorts, and are about to resurrect another NPC contact who was infiltrating a cult on their behalf, was discovered by the witches and turned into a wight that the party's Cleric later inadvertantly destroyed when attempting to turn other nearby, more powerful undead.
I know none of our group would do without their cohorts. Furthermore, most of the PCs have gotten married as well, whether for personal or political reasons, and some even have children, or heirs as the case may be, though only the Cleric brings her spouse along adventuring.

Saern |

I encourage Sexi Golem, whenever he returns to the boards, to list here the massive sprawl of NPCs that emerged during the "masagura" (sp?) campaign last summer.
I suggested that the party may wish to hire porters and other such assistants, but despite the sometimes heavy CN selfishness the party could develop, they always came back with something like, "Dude- one chimera attacks us and they're all toast." I'm not sure if it was genuine concern for the NPCs, or wanting to avoid alignment questions from knowingly involving people who would just be liabilities, or not wanting to constantly re-hire dead laborers, but they never really went for that. I personally like the idea of those assistants and things- leave them away from the combat and let them be an in-game excuse for incumberance rules and such.
The other thing is that in 3.x, they've got that damned Leadership feat that really messes things up. Some NPCs have followers without Leadership, some don't. Sometimes PCs can get allies without it, sometimes they can't. I'd just like to do away with it, but if you're going to have a consistent follower, it does provide handy guidelines. Maybe I should just use leadership "scores" to determine the types of cohorts PCs can get, but not actually use the feat and only give such NPCs to the party sparingly. I don't know; it's a yucky situation.

Rezdave |
I suggested that the party may wish to hire porters and other such assistants ... they always came back with something like, "Dude- one chimera attacks us and they're all toast."
I personally like the idea of those assistants and things- leave them away from the combat and let them be an in-game excuse for incumberance rules and such.The other thing is that in 3.x, they've got that damned Leadership feat that really messes things up.
Our Cleric has her (now) 3rd level Sentinels to help watch camp during the night so PCs can sleep as well as guard horses, mounts and gear when they are dungeoneering. There is no way the 13th level party takes them along. A few levels ago when they were 2nd level she took them mountain-climbing prior to raiding a hippogriff lair and they got jumped by harpy archers. The harpies ambushed them and fired at random targets from long range, killing one Sentinel with a single shot. That one's body was teleported home afterwards and favors called in to raise her.
The sentinels, the sage husband, and moreover the pages are not meant for the dungeon and either remain in base-camp or even the nearest town. Still, Player-controlled NPCs see a lot of use, and the 4th-6th level cohorts get into the action in support positions and generally can take one Area Effect blast and still survive to escape. Mostly they focus on clearing minions, keeping flankers away from the PCs or causing a distraction or second-front. Often they are dedicated healers.
The PCs also like the Cleric's husband being available to examine dungeons and answer sagely questions for them, giving them background, clues and so forth, pointing them in the direction of new rumors and adventures.
As to the Leadership feat, I immediately dropped it from the game as my very first 3.0 House Rule. Forget the book telling me what or how many contacts, assistant, cohorts and allies a PC can have. Aside from the fact that Charisma and good RP already cover this, the fact remains that regardless of their Charisma (or lack thereof) high-level NPCs and particularly famous ones will attract admirers, followers and apprentices, feat or not.

Lady Aurora |

We also play 2nd ed. (YEAH!). We don't use henchmen and only use followers very sparingly just because it's a plain old hassle. They seem to end up being more of a hindrance than a boon most of the time. They get in the way during combat, they're extra expense to travel with, etc,etc,etc. You constantly need to maintain their contentment and just keeping them safe and well-fed can be a full time job.
Had a paladin in our group (actually my husband's character) who acquired two squires over a period of time. Ultimately he sent them back to take over some of the responsibilities at his castle while he continued to adventure. The ranger gains animal followers which is better and easier to control (especially in combat/adventure situations). They're more loyal and there's no real danger of them betraying you or rejecting you because your reputation is one of killing your followers. Most of the time, though, we just allocate followers/henchmen to some "off-screen" tasks. My thief character used her followers as the crew on a pirate ship once. My monk character just kept his followers at the monastery.
They're just window-dressing most of the time anyway and it can provide a convenient replacement character if the campaign is an extended one (which ours tend to be).

Rezdave |
can provide a convenient replacement character if the campaign is an extended one (which ours tend to be).
Several times in the midst of a dungeon assault or other situation where introducing new characters is not convenient, a higher-level and combat-capable henchman has made a handy playable-NPC for a visiting Player who is interested in checking out our game before joining.

Jeremy Mac Donald |

I generally don't encourage the use of followers or cohorts becuase they just add another person to worry about in combat. Plus some of my players would probably forget that they even existed and would constantly need to be reminded.
I'm somewhat similar.
With a small handful of exceptions I don't use humanoid cohorts but do allow creature type Cohorts such as animal companions, familiars, special mounts and the various things one can get with Leadership.
Mainly I'm trying to get a balance between players wanting to have cohorts and the annoyance of having the game cluttered up with more good guys. I find creatures usually have only a very limited repertoire of abilities and therefore make good cohorts as they are easy for the players to run and their actions go by quickly.

Sir Kaikillah |

The other thing is that in 3.x, they've got that damned Leadership feat that really messes things up. Some NPCs have followers without Leadership, some don't. Sometimes PCs can get allies without it, sometimes they can't. I'd just like to do away with it, but if you're going to have a consistent follower, it does provide handy guidelines. Maybe I should just use leadership "scores" to determine the types of cohorts PCs can get, but not actually use the feat and only give such NPCs to the party sparingly. I don't know; it's a yucky situation.
I like the idea.
I might be starting the Savage Tide campaign.
I will use your idea.
I thik I will make a feat like "inpiring leadership" +3 to leadership score.
Thanks Saern.
Any other ideas and on followers amd cohorts?
I encourage followers and cohorts, but players are don't want to use up a feat. In fact i'm the only player I know to take the feat. But I am a meglomaniac like thatthat.

Lazlo.Arcadia |

Lawgiver wrote:Do any of you really use Henchmen and Followers for the characters much?
If not, why not? If so, what are some of the more interesting outcomes or problems that resulted?I DM my group. At 5th level they were in the mountains rescueing a band of dwarves whose mine was overtaken by a kobold tribe and band of troglodytes led by a drow. During the final battles the drow escaped with a few trogs, and when the PCs emerged they found their mounts and pack-animals slain as a winter storm was blowing in. They spent the winter with the dwarves until the passes opened again with the spring thaw.
Currently 13th level and now with land and estates, the Cleric (the only remaining member of that version of the party) is married to an archeology professor who accompanies the party and helps them research sites, gather rumors and lore before delving, solve riddles and so forth. She also has a 5th level "apprentice" Cleric of her faith, a pair of 1/1 Fighter-Ranger "Sentinels" who keep an eye on their camp as well as a trio of pages, two of them girls from an orphanage for which she has decided to sponsor a type of "work-study" program to help girls too old for the orphanage avoid life on the street (taking some as pages, but sponsoring others as apprentice chambermaids, scullery maids, servant-girls and so forth in addition to the occasional seamstress or other trade).
Her companions in the party include a Specialty Priest with his own 5th level assistant who during combat has been useful remaining invisible with curative wands in hand, as well as 2nd level Ranger and Rogue cohorts who help with his research, but also oversee getting him from site to site and then arrange lodgings in town, gathering rumors and information from locals and so forth.
There is the Fighter/Rogue who has a military commando background. After service in two recent wars he resigned from the army as a Sergeant Major and recruited a small group of similar mustered-out veteran commandos to join him, and so...
Rez, this was the best answer I think i've ever seen on the question of cohorts and henchmen! Excellent RP there. You my friend are welcome at my table any day.
~ Lazlo ~