Tysdaddy |

(I originally posted this request in the Book section below, but someone suggested posting it here as well. So, have at it . . . )
To the brains . . .
I am in the process of writing a book proposal for a class at my university for a nonfiction book about my experiences in gaming.
I played some D&D as a kid, a very long time ago, and got back into it about three years ago in an effort to get my son out of his Yu-Gi-Oh phase. I wanted him to do something that took less cash and yet reaped piles of rewards in regards to imagination and creativity. My perspective is unique and I'm having a blast fleshing out my thoughts on the subject.
Here's my question:
Does anyone lurking here have any hard numbers detailing the growth of D&D in the past several years? I'd like to hear from some of the folks who run or contribute to Paizo publications if possible. How have manufacturers made the game more accessible for guys like me who want to get involved again, and for people who are checking out roleplaying for the first time? I have read the 30th anniversary book put out by WOTC, and I have come across an article from our local paper that ran when Dreamblade debuted, but there ain't much else I've been able to track down. So, I figured I'd ask my buds who hang on these boards.
As of right now, the book is simply fodder for this class. I have done some writing, but have nothing close to a finished manuscript. The main project is the proposal for the class. If I decide to go further with the project and actually send the proposal out, I'll let ya know. But the numbers and information I'm looking for will help me put together a more thorough proposal.
Any and all thoughts are appreciated.
Also, if there is a more appropriate portion of the forum where this should be posted, do let me know. This seemed like the safest spot for something like this, but it's so far down the main messageboard page that I hope it doesn't get lost.

theacemu |

(I originally posted this request in the Book section below, but someone suggested posting it here as well. So, have at it . . . )
To the brains . . .
I am in the process of writing a book proposal for a class at my university for a nonfiction book about my experiences in gaming.
I played some D&D as a kid, a very long time ago, and got back into it about three years ago in an effort to get my son out of his Yu-Gi-Oh phase. I wanted him to do something that took less cash and yet reaped piles of rewards in regards to imagination and creativity. My perspective is unique and I'm having a blast fleshing out my thoughts on the subject.
Here's my question:
Does anyone lurking here have any hard numbers detailing the growth of D&D in the past several years? I'd like to hear from some of the folks who run or contribute to Paizo publications if possible. How have manufacturers made the game more accessible for guys like me who want to get involved again, and for people who are checking out roleplaying for the first time? I have read the 30th anniversary book put out by WOTC, and I have come across an article from our local paper that ran when Dreamblade debuted, but there ain't much else I've been able to track down. So, I figured I'd ask my buds who hang on these boards.
As of right now, the book is simply fodder for this class. I have done some writing, but have nothing close to a finished manuscript. The main project is the proposal for the class. If I decide to go further with the project and actually send the proposal out, I'll let ya know. But the numbers and information I'm looking for will help me put together a more thorough proposal.
Any and all thoughts are appreciated.
Also, if there is a more appropriate portion of the forum where this should be posted, do let me know. This seemed like the safest spot for something like this, but it's so far down the main messageboard page that I hope it doesn't get lost.
For your query about market research statistics on gamer demographics, I just want to let you know that your question has been posed in many ways, many times for a number of years by researchers and authors writing about the gaming subculture. Everything that i've read suggests that there is a need to fill and dissiminate data like that which you are inquiring about. It is also my understanding that if there are hard statistics out there to be gathered at all for this demographic, they have been closely guarded by the industry bigs and are not openly accessable to the general public.
That said, good luck with your book and if you want any advice about the publishing process, i'd be happy to fill you in with what i know.
As ever,

Tysdaddy |

Yeah, I have noticed that demographic information is hard to come by.
I guess I was looking for some simply facts; How many PHBs have sold in recent years? Are these numbers up or down compared to years past? Subscriptions to gaming magazines - are they any indicator of the growth or decline of the gaming industry? (I remember a post from way back where Vic Wertz shared some insightful information about the way Dragon and Dungeon are promoted and placed in stores, but I can't seem to track it down . . . )
Getting attendance numbers for a big gathering like GenCon shouldn't be too difficult, but does this necessarily translate into an increased interest in gaming?
Things of that nature.
You mentioned books about the gaming subculture. Are any of them recent? Do they contain anything of value? And, since you seem to know a bit about the publishing industry, are you aware of any books that would be similar to the one I'm proposing? I picture my book as a sort of ethnobiographical sketch, a view around the table through the eyes of someone who's new to the scene and jumping in with both feet. There will be some history of D&D in there, but not enough to bog the project down. My take is how gaming brought out the kid in me and the joy I've found in sharing those hours with others - my own kids included. I've met some cool people and had some truly wonderful times roleplaying over the past several years and feel that I can share that info in a way that will be entertaining and of some value to those who may be considering roleplaying as a hobby (obsession?!).
My book will blend the descriptive candor of Diablo Cody’s "Candy Girl" and the soul-searing, self-deprecating honesty of William Hallberg’s "The Soul of Golf". That sort of thing.
I appreciate your thoughts. I wish there was a way to PM on these boards so we could chat privately if need be, but I guess this forum will have to do.

theacemu |

Yeah, I have noticed that demographic information is hard to come by.
I guess I was looking for some simply facts; How many PHBs have sold in recent years? Are these numbers up or down compared to years past? Subscriptions to gaming magazines - are they any indicator of the growth or decline of the gaming industry? (I remember a post from way back where Vic Wertz shared some insightful information about the way Dragon and Dungeon are promoted and placed in stores, but I can't seem to track it down . . . )
Getting attendance numbers for a big gathering like GenCon shouldn't be too difficult, but does this necessarily translate into an increased interest in gaming?
Things of that nature.
You mentioned books about the gaming subculture. Are any of them recent? Do they contain anything of value? And, since you seem to know a bit about the publishing industry, are you aware of any books that would be similar to the one I'm proposing? I picture my book as a sort of ethnobiographical sketch, a view around the table through the eyes of someone who's new to the scene and jumping in with both feet. There will be some history of D&D in there, but not enough to bog the project down. My take is how gaming brought out the kid in me and the joy I've found in sharing those hours with others - my own kids included. I've met some cool people and had some truly wonderful times roleplaying over the past several years and feel that I can share that info in a way that will be entertaining and of some value to those who may be considering roleplaying as a hobby (obsession?!).
My book will blend the descriptive candor of Diablo Cody’s "Candy Girl" and the soul-searing, self-deprecating honesty of William Hallberg’s "The Soul of Golf". That sort of thing.
I appreciate your thoughts. I wish there was a way to PM on these boards so we could chat privately if need be, but I guess this forum will have to do.
I'll pull out my stack of literature when i get home tonight but if you are in any way shape or form serious about working on your project you MUST read Gary Allen Fine: Shared Fantasy: Role Playing Games as Social Worlds. It is considered by many as the touchstone study and while it is a copyright 1983, every significant contribution to the body of RPG studies that have since been written have cited Fine's work. As far as current literature goes, there is a compiliation of decent essays published in a book called: Gaming as Culture: Essays on Reality, Identity and Experience in Fantasy Games (copyright 2006). I've mentioned these two sources several times on these boards as bookends on a timeline of research on the gaming subculture. I'll fill in the gaps with some suggestions tonight when i get home.
And, yes, both of these resources are valuable to someone such as yourself who is considering writing on the subject and gamers interested in understanding the psychology, sociology, and business of gamers and the gaming industry. They will give anyone a good perspective on the themes and tropes that are typically covered
I can help with the nuts and bolts of what others have written, but the project sounds like you are going for a mix of personal experience backed up with some kind of work that others have done.
Anyway, more to come tonight.
As ever,

Tysdaddy |

You're the man!
I can't thank you enough for sharing with me on these boards.
I will check out the books you've mentioned and give them a once-over to see what I can glean from them.
If you don't mind me asking, what do you do for a living?
And how could we take this conversation off these boards? Is there any way to contact you privately? I hate to drag these boards down with our chatter . . .

Tysdaddy |

I did some searching at my local library and neither of the books you mentioned are on their shelves, which surprises me somewhat since we have a nationally-acclaimed library system here in NE Indiana. I did however find some information at amazon about them (including the fact that Fine's book was revised (or perhaps simply republished), in 2002), in addition to info about another book titled "The Fantasy Role-Playing Game: A New Performing Art" by Daniel Mackay. All of them were quite expensive, and published by academic presses, which may account for their absence. I am going to stop by there today and see if any of those volumes are available through inter-library loan.
These books are way more scholarly than I intend for mine to be, but having them as resources, since they've already given voice to things I've considered for some time, will be invaluable. One book that I read some time ago and have learned much from is "Group: Six People In Search of a Life" by Paul Solotaroff. It's not about gaming, but the insights into focused group dynamics are priceless.
This project has sat on the mental shelf for quite some time, and discussing this with you has served to blow off the dust and light that proverbial fire under my procrastinating arse, so I am grateful.