Clarification required regarding the Worghest (DR350). Please.

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

Hiya All

I am currently putting together a nasty little surprise for my players (a worghest rgr/brb/warshaper) and was thinking about using some of the wild feats which are found in Complete Divine. This is due to the worghest being able to take feats which require wild shape as a prerequisite, however. The problem that I have is when a feat requires you to burn a use of wild shape in order to activate the feat (ie Lion's Pounce). In this instance can it be assumed that the worghest simply has an unlimited amount of wild shapes per day or a number of wild shapes equal to a druid of their character level? Any clarification would be greatly appreciated.


korasukage wrote:

Hiya All

I am currently putting together a nasty little surprise for my players (a worghest rgr/brb/warshaper) and was thinking about using some of the wild feats which are found in Complete Divine. This is due to the worghest being able to take feats which require wild shape as a prerequisite, however. The problem that I have is when a feat requires you to burn a use of wild shape in order to activate the feat (ie Lion's Pounce). In this instance can it be assumed that the worghest simply has an unlimited amount of wild shapes per day or a number of wild shapes equal to a druid of their character level? Any clarification would be greatly appreciated.


That's a good question. I second this. I would like to know also.


Good question. The official answer is up to the editor, but I would probably treat it as a druid of the same character level.


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