AoW and Dungeonscape

Age of Worms Adventure Path

I just picked up the latest WotC hardcover (wait, maybe not the latest, i've lost count?) Anyway, picked up Dungeonscape and actually found some useful bits. Including the rot grub swarm and hivenest monster template.
I was looking for an alternative mechanic for the egg trap in EaBK and thought the SoLS wormswarm was too tough. I ended up with something similar to the rotgrab swarm and wish i had this earlier. i definitely like the infestation (and death hazard) SA better than the poison of the wormswarm. once a PC is infested, the INT damage would be as normal for Kyussspawn worms.i may throw in a Kyussworm hivenest mummy instead of the mohrg under the Greyhawk Arena just to try these suckers out. they may actually turn out tougher than the wormswarms in SoLS, but who cares? it sounds like SoLS is a TPK anyway >:{ mwu-ha-ha.

The ideas in Dungeonscape are great, and a lot of them would be fun to swap out and try. They aren't so much new paradigms or new rules as they are just fun tricks and stuff to throw at PCs. I just wasn't a big fan of the factotum.

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