Food! Drink! And Stuff!

Off-Topic Discussions

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1/2 peeled avocado, seeded, coarsely mashed
2 tbsp. lime juice, divided
3 tbsp. reduced-fat sour cream
1/8 tsp. salt
1 cup shredded cooked chicken breast
3/4 cup rinsed, drained canned black beans
2 tbsp. minced red onion
2 tbsp chopped fresh cilantro
36 baked tortilla chips
1 cup shredded reduced-fat Mexican blend cheese
Combine mashed avocado, 1 tablespoon lime juice, sour cream and salt. Combine remaining 1 tablespoon lime juice, shredded chicken, and next 3 ingredients in bowl, toss gently.
Preheat oven to 425°F. Divide tortilla chips evenly among 3 ovenproof plates, set on a large baking sheet. Top each plate with chicken mix and 1/4 cup shredded cheese.

Bake nachos for 6 minutes or until cheese melts. Top each serving with 2 tablespoon avocado cream.

Fire. Except no substitute.

PBH Snack

1 or 2 slices of Potato Bread
Your choice of creamy or chunky peanut butter

Apply peanut butter liberally to the bread.
Squeeze out enough honey on top of the peanut butter.
Spread the honey over the peanut butter.

Twin Agate Dragons wrote:

PBH Snack

1 or 2 slices of Potato Bread
Your choice of creamy or chunky peanut butter

Apply peanut butter liberally to the bread.
Squeeze out enough honey on top of the peanut butter.
Spread the honey over the peanut butter.

Potato Bread is also good for French Toast!!!

The Exchange



1 pound of icing sugar
1/4 pound of dried dessicated coconut
1tablespoon of Milk
white of 1 egg
pink colour & flavour (Cochineal) .......[I like Green or Blue]


Get rid of all lumps of sugar, mix coconut and sugar together. Make into soft paste mixing in milk and whisked egg white. Divide paste into two halves leaving one white and the other pink using cochineal. Turn white paste into tin lined with greasproof paper and lay down Pink Paste on top. Press down and leave for 24 hours in warm room (hygiene tells me fridge). Cut into Bars and Squares.

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