J PAslawski |

ok- so my players don't really have any reason to dislike the scarlet brotherhood- only 1 of them were in sasserine when the brotherhood ruled, and his father was important. ANYWAY-
I decided to toughen up the big battle in tides of dread- but I wanted to be sure that they could handle what I wanted to do- so, I created an encounter with some brotherhood monks who were led by a monk2/cleric1/evoker7. They monks are using 2 very large apelike men (hill giants) to build a structure (a mission outpost).
The monks are not as aggressive as they were written- in fact, they invited the players to eat with them.( the giants were out of sight at this point) well- my wife decided to shoot one of them...no parley, no questions, just murder.
so- monk#1 heals himself, monk#2 casts sanctuary, monk3 and the evoker are not on the scene yet.
So the monks have yet to take ANY hostile action- ( unless you are a fish)- the duskblade decides to kill monk#1. the party cleric used spellcraft to notice the priest had cast sanctuary- he held his action- so long story short- the evoker has like 6 protective spells up and is levitating above a vortex of teeth spell.
dispel magic.
the completely unbuffed evoker is chopped up badly by the vortex of teeth spell.
before he died he had an ac of like 33, reverse arrow, acid and cold resistance 10 and damage reduction- needless to say, the scarlet brotherhood now has a great dislike for the party...it was a sad, sad day.

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This is the kinda thing I love. When the players give me reason to start messing with them. For the next few sessions I would have several Brotherhood clerics following them around, secretly. And anytime the players get into a fight several animals, demons, etc. get summoned into the fight to attack the players. They can't say you are out to get them since the started the whole thing. It's times like these when you should let your evil DM side out to play.