Core Beliefs = Kord?

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

That is what I would like to see; very much, Thank you sir.

Sovereign Court

I've always been annoyed that climb, jump, and swim weren't class skills for clerics of the god of athletics. Even the Mighty Contender of Kord PrC doesn't have them as class skills. Perhaps a core belief article with alternative class skills could solve this problem.

I actually have been devising a PrC that addresses these very issues among other things.


HOMIGODS! I so want to write this article!!!! I still haven't put together the proposal yet! I suck!!! Nick must work more more more!!!

KORD is my very favoritest deity...oh yes he be!!! Belgrak...he deserved better Erik...sniff...

Hagen wrote:
I've always been annoyed that climb, jump, and swim weren't class skills for clerics of the god of athletics. Even the Mighty Contender of Kord PrC doesn't have them as class skills. Perhaps a core belief article with alternative class skills could solve this problem.

Totally agree Hagen. One of the first things I did before running a Cleric of Kord in our current campaign is revamp the Cleric class. I attributed "domain" skills to each of the gods - with Clerics of Kord gaining Climb, Jump and Swim.

Personally I never did understand why priests of the Brawler would worry about skills like Diplomacy and Knowledge: History- they should be too busy stone lifting, wrestling and keeping fit.

That being said the re-vamp wasn't all good - in our campaign Kord's favoured weapon is now a greatclub :(
[We felt its more of a brawlers/strongman weapon rather than the greatsword + makes a pretty unpopular weapon a little more appealing in game terms]

Would be nice to get an updated Mighty Contender or new PrC to deal with this. Roll on Core Beliefs: Kord...

I fully expect to see this article before the year is out. A player of mine would be very interested, seeing as he is a monk/cleric of Kord (don't ask how a Lawful character became a Kordite).

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