Gifts for Zeech

Age of Worms Adventure Path

Has anyone come up with interesting gifts for the Prince?

I was thinking of the following:

An antique sword once owned by Lord Nidramon the Hextorian, second-century CY Knight Commander of the Knight Protectors of the Great Kingdom.

A feathered cloak of coutal skin.

A rare illuminated copy of Hextorian scripture.

An exquisite painting of Erelhei-Cinlu by the famed drow artist Ool Eurts.

The Champion's Belt (my PCs sold it, so I plan for them to see it for sell in Alhaster).

Liberty's Edge

Rob Bastard wrote:

An exquisite painting of Erelhei-Cinlu by the famed drow artist Ool Eurts.


Those all sound great. My PCs practically snubbed the prince. It was ironic that the usually cheapskate wizard was the only one who bought/commissioned a valuable statue to give the prince. Though only worth about 1000gp, as it was of the prince, Zeech decided to accept it...gratiously, if not patronizingly.

Our party bard offered up a song. And had it not been for an obscenely high Perform check, he might've got the poison.

The spellsword brought a bottle of wine, at a few hundred gp. He was poisoned.

But they've hated Zeech since they got to the rat hole that was Alhaster, so I wasn't surprised. Still, I think your suggestions are all top notch.

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Here's a weird, and potentially campaign changing gift my PCs gave him: the paintings of Kuluth Mar in its prime...including the Spire of Long Shadows. My PCs then went about diplomatic efforts to help him realize the source of his "dreams", or at the very least to question their true link to Hextor. It worked, as the he ordered construction of the Ziggaraut halted. Unfortunately Lashonna forced his hand while they were in the Wormcrawl Fissure... Still, it gave them the hint that Zeech isn't necessarily a bad guy, that (forgive the quote) "There's still good in him."

Liberty's Edge

I think our party snubbed Zeech, but we survived any poison that came our way, thank the gods for "Heroes Feast". We all gave valuable presents based on what the event called for but they were not very hospitable.

Our Heironian Thuerge gave him a silver bound copy of the book of Heironeous.

Our Heironian Cleric got him some expensive artwork.

Our Heironian Knight procured him rare volumes of ancient history in relation to the fall of the Empire he built his city on.

Our Warlock had one of the Small Black Dragons we killed stuffed as a trophy to give Zeech.

I cant remember what other two got him, but we were pretty stand offish towards him with good reason. Thankfully Lashonna entered before our Rogue could meet him.

All and all, I dont think we'll be invited to ever visit the city again. If Lashonna didnt stand up for us, we might have simply been assinated by the hovering devils all around us.

Our Knight 12/Legendary Leader 5 is working with the Zeech's General to use his personal troops (Leadership Score 28 + Extra Followers Feat) to assist the general and usurp the evil leaders of the city. Hextorian princes are simply too evil to stay in power.

Read through the treasures of the previous modules. My group collected some of the art works in their bag of holding, such as the miniature cities from TWC or the paintings found in TSoLS. This stuff fits well for Zeech.

My players have yet to visit Alhaster or go to the party,but I have provided some excellent gift ideas.
After SOLS they came into possesion of a map to the
Mudsorcerer's Tomb from Issue #138.It is filled with
excellent gifts and artifacts that could help prevent the AOW.
It is also an excellent side trek for players
who have fallen behind in levels due the
real nasties found prior.
I'm real interested to see how my hack-n-slash group,
handles this adventure.

Way back in the first session, my players killed the wolves. The Beguiler decided to do something with the teeth of the wolf. Stringing them, he has worn them ever since. I think he's going to enjoy tricking the prince.

Delfedd wrote:
Way back in the first session, my players killed the wolves. The Beguiler decided to do something with the teeth of the wolf. Stringing them, he has worn them ever since. I think he's going to enjoy tricking the prince.

Makes me wonder if that's going to happen with my group's warlock as well... he's got a pair from each wolf they've killed so far.

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