Dawn of a New Age Spire Map Question (Obvious spoiler)

Age of Worms Adventure Path

Where is Lashonna's Ciborium (B2) on the map? I am getting ready to run it in 24 hours, but don't see it on the spire map anywhere. The text seems to infer that the chamber is within the center of the base floor, but I want to make sure. It is important, as it helps me determine the number of rounds between various guardians noticing and interfereing with the PCs, especially Lashonna. Help!

All signs seem to point to your inference as being the correct answer. It's what I'm going to go with. I thought the same thing when I saw the map for the Wormgod's Tower, myself.

What I want to know is, are the squares on the map of the 5-foot scale, or are they bigger. I generally opt for the default of 5-foot, but considering the monolith on the top floor would only be 10-feet wide, and Kyuss is a huge creature, I'm not sure.

I had problems with the map as well. Word of advice: unless you dont mind your PCs waltzing in and budting up the negative energy engine and leaving as quickly as they came, alter the dungeon to ensure that no matter which way the enter the dungeon, they will be approaching from the direction where Vulras and his guards are at.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Lashonna's Ciborium is the big room on the ground floor. And I believe that the scale is indeed 5 feet per square; Kyuss is indeed huge, but the monolith that contains him also contains the entire enclosed demiplane prison that holds him; it's a case of Bigger on the Inside than it Seems with the monolith. Finally, keep in mind that it's nearly as easy for the bad guys to move around the tower as well, so that if the PCs tarry too long in one place, they'll end up having to fight a lot of mooks at once. It doesn't really matter which end they approach from, but if they go STRAIGHT to the top, they'll have to deal with a lot of monsters + Kyuss at the same time...

Thanks! This is gonna be a nasty fight (running it in 1 hour), and I'm thinking Lashonna and the Angels are gonna give some of them fits. I almost wish Hemriss could be encountered before Lashonna if they're climbing the spire by normal means, but oh well (They players think her picture, character, and concept are all awesome, and it'd set up a cool roleplaying encounter with her dominated. Then again, I could attack them with her while they sleep before the spire mega-battle..:) I must say, this is gonna give me the opportunity to run one of the more awesome mega-battles in my DM-ing career, which this path has feautured several of. As I get near its end, I must say, Kudos!
(They'll probably just reach Kyuss at the end of the session, at which point I'll give them a week to sweat about it.)

Rakshaka wrote:
Thanks! This is gonna be a nasty fight (running it in 1 hour), and I'm thinking Lashonna and the Angels are gonna give some of them fits.

Great news! A bit off-topic, but give them the works with Lashonna. She's a really special NPC, IMO. I had Balakarde's ghost flat-out tell them that she was second only to Dragotha in Kyuss' army, and some of my players still refuse to believe it, she has that kind of presence! Prove them wrong.

I feel foolish arguing with Mr. Jacobs, but . . . the description of area B10, "The top of the Spire of Long Shadows is a hundred-foot wide circular platform . . ." seems like it would dictate a 10 ft. per square scale for the map. Area B10 as depicted on the map is approx. 10 squares in diameter. Where have I gone wrong?

Hierophantasm wrote:
Great news! A bit off-topic, but give them the works with Lashonna. She's a really special NPC, IMO. I had Balakarde's ghost flat-out tell them that she was second only to Dragotha in Kyuss' army, and some of my players still refuse to believe it, she has that kind of presence! Prove them wrong.

Not to derail...

Unfortunately, she lasted about four rounds. Good news is she was in Astral Projection form, mainly because before the session I didn't have the time to give her the minor tweaking I did to Dragotha. I feel that despite her intelligence on their tactics and spells, she would stage a "fake fight" to see personally what they would do against her. I had her use all of her abilities, noting which ones worked and which ones didn't. Though the PCs have sacked her lair, its possible that if they don't teleport back into her dungeon (where she'll be at nearly full strength), they'll fight her again. They think she's dead, and are ready to climb the rest of the spire. I plan on having her show up during the fight against Maralee or Kyuss. You're right Hierophantasm, she is a special Villian who hopefully will survive the destruction of Kyuss. Epic heroes need epic adversaries, afterall...

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