YeuxAndI |

In my both of my groups, players have often asked to see more D&D articles on fairies other than what's in the MM. Politics of the courts, associations of the courts in the mortal realms, stuff like that.
I do like that fey bloodlines have become a more prominent addition in 3.5, and I've also seen a prestige class or two. But, Dragon/Dungeon.

The Dalesman |

In my both of my groups, players have often asked to see more D&D articles on fairies other than what's in the MM. Politics of the courts, associations of the courts in the mortal realms, stuff like that.
I do like that fey bloodlines have become a more prominent addition in 3.5, and I've also seen a prestige class or two. But, Dragon/Dungeon.
Greetings, YeuxAndI!
I am not aware of any recent articles in Dragon or Dungeon, but there was a whole series of articles focusing on fey over at the Wizards website. This link should take you there:
If the link doesn't work, just go to the D&D main page, then go to Articles and click on the 'Retired Articles' link. Look for the 'Fey Feature' link in that list. The articles are by Gwendolyn Kestrel and Faith Price, and are full of great information.
They have details on the Seelie and Unseelie Courts, fey nobility, celebrations, feuds, as well as new magic and new types of fey.
Hope that helps!
Your Friendly Neighborhood Dalesman
"Bringing Big D**n Justice to the Bad Guys Since 1369 DR"

Stebehil |

"Tall Tales of the Wee Folk"is a nice, but somewhat technical treatment of the fae IMHO. I always loved the Ars Magica books on this subject: Faeries is the best book on the subject, at least of those I know. It would be difficult to transfer into D&D, of course.