joshua johnson |

HI! I'm running the grimlock U cavern as part of an underdark side quest in the STAP. Ever since I first read 3Foe i thought it was pretty darn cool, Mearls and all.... so anyway....
My question-- the tactics column states the grimlocks attack light sources. Umm..... being blind just exactly how do they do that?
Maybe a torch or lantern could be smellable and thus attackable but my party is relying on sunrods. So really, I dont see how the locks will even know there is light. Am I missing something?
I really would like the grimlocks to snuff out the lights, but HOW??

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Just as fyi, try doing a search for 3foe or three faces of evil on the message boards. There is a whole hoarde of useful information regarding the adventure, but a lot of it has fallen into the archive.
The reason I mention that is because your question has been asked before. The answer given is that the grimlocks have dealt enough with non-blind opponents that they know to attack things they believe to be light sources. If your players have a glowing sword, the grimlocks probably won't attack that, but they should be smart/observant enough to recognize a torch through scent, heat, sound, etc. I would probably rule that a sunrod gives off some detectable oder as well.
Hope that helps.

joshua johnson |

Thanks Seb-- I was actually searching the archives as you typed your reply! Next time I'll search first and ask questions later!! HA!
Anyway- I saved and printed Mike Mearls and James Jacobs explanations, as my players are going to throw a FIT about this.
Armed with such professional help and a 1st ed "In my campaign" attitude, I'll be attacking light sources all night long!!
Woo+ !!