Is the Complete Arcane and Complete Mage the only books to have warlock invocations? I could have sworn I'd seen a few in another book, which I obviously don't own. I can't for the life of me remember where I saw them. Maybe I dreamed it.
I think you're smoking shrooms. I base this opinion on never having heard of warlock invocations in any other books, and your use of the verb is at the start of your post. It should be are.
That's right, I'm completing the requirements for my Grammar Nazi prestige class! >:)
Saern wrote:
That's right, I'm completing the requirements for my Grammar Nazi prestige class! >:)
As an amateur grammar nerd I appreciate your scrutiny.
But...I was just told that there are some invocations in Dragon Magic, but they're not warlock invocations.
And for the record, I'd never smoke shrooms...that's just silly.
Complete Arcane and Complete Mage both have warlock invocations, but so does Dragon Magic. There are two kinds of invocations in that book, warlock invocations, and invocations for the Dragonfire Adept full progression class that is presented in that book.
Phew! I'm glad I didn't make any authoritative statements that could then be proven wrong, leaving me with the delicious taste of foot in my mouth. :)
My present character is a Warlock, so new invocations are something I also search out constantly. There are more in the Magic of Incarnum and Cityscape as well. Plus, I believe that I saw one in a Dragon issue in the last couple of years too.
I think, but am not absolutely certain that the Spell Compendium has some Invocations within its pages.
Spell Compendium does not, but I know I've seen some in another book that I own, and I don't have them on hand to check. I'm thinking Races of the Dragon, maybe. (I know Dragon Magic does, but I don't have that.)
The Complete Mage has more invocations.
I thought there were some more in Magic of Ebberon, but since I returned it to the library, I can't verify that.
Books that have warlock invocations:
There was an issue of Dragon Magazine with one new warlock invocation. It was in an article that talked about the drow elves of Xendrik, I believe. It's a simple invocation, really, it was a 2nd-level least warlock invocation that did lesser confusion.
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