Gear, never leave home without it


What gear is a must for you and your group? I going to say rope. Every member of almost every group I've been in has had rope. We don't start an adventure without it. You have a cave? You need rope. Sneaking in a fortress? You need rope. Cyrpt? Rope. Woods? Rope. City? Rope. To climb, to trip, to carry, to swim, to save, to burn rope, RoPe, ROPE.


Oil flasks seem to be a must for my group.


Rope was an excellent answer-- one of the first treasures we cherished was a spool of endless rope. Before that, we probably had 150' divided over 4 characters, because everyone took it when designing their characters.

Backpacks and sacks are very important-- hard to haul away loot without it. When you can upgrade to bags of holding, you get to get away from the whole encumbrance balancing sub-game... which isn't one of my favorites.

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

10-foot poles.

Hey, you never know....

The ever-present adventuring towel. Smaller than a blanket, bigger than hanky, always useful. (As a gag gift, my hubby and I went and found one of those super-absorbent camping towels for our buddy who never fails to put "adventuring towel" on his character sheet.)

Do cohorts and other NPCs count? :P

Sacrificing minions: is there any problem it can't solve?

Paizo Employee Director of Sales

A bag of marbles. No.. seriously!

I found it one time in a FG book (Player's guide, I think...) and I was rolling a character who was just silly enough to be carrying such a thing.

Well, imagine my glee several sessions into the campaign when our group found itself beset by a band of thugs on the rooftops of the city.


*failed balance check*

*thug plummets*

*DM grumbles*

*players cheer*

A bag of marbles can be found on every character I've rolled since.

Liberty's Edge

Flint & Steel
Paper/Parchment, Ink, and Pen
Water Bottle/Bag

All of the above have many uses if you are even slightly creative.

And, while not essential, a throwing chicken is often useful.


Doug Sundseth wrote:
Paper/Parchment, Ink, and Pen

Once, my PCs were going on a long boat ride (several months) across an ocean and back. My party wizard declared that he was taking three barrels of ink with him as cargo.

'Three Barrels?!?', I asked...

He said he just didn't want to run out of ink for his scrolls during the trip.

I explained to him that I myself had a small pot of ink wich I used in my graphic arts class. This pot was only a few mililiters and lasted me for two years while I was at school and that I still had some ink left to this day (some 10 years later).

Then we chuckled on how long his three barrels were going to last him... Not to mention the ecological disaster that would happen should the boat sink (Exxon Valdez anyone?). That's where we just laughed ourselves silly.



Liberty's Edge

Ultradan wrote:

Once, my PCs were going on a long boat ride (several months) across an ocean and back. My party wizard declared that he was taking three barrels of ink with him as cargo.

Perhaps he just wanted to leave a trail so he could find his way home? 8-)

chaulk and candles. chaulk to mark walls and crushed into dust and spread around doorways to watch for invisible intruders. candles for light or wax to plug your ears if something with a sound attack is around IE harpies

Cosmo wrote:

A bag of marbles. No.. seriously!

I hear you. I had a gnome character that carried around a bag filled with any eccentricity I could think of. Bone dice, balls of twine, hollowed out turtle shell, intercepted love letter in orcish ect. Including a large bag of marbles.

In a dungeon crawl (an escape really) it was my gnome and the halfling sorcerer and three 1st lvl NPC's. me and the halfling were second lvl sorcerers and we were both out of 1st lvl spells. The party fighter and rogue were stable but out, hidden in a hopefully secured area. And none of us were at max hp.

We peek around a corner to see three goblin gaurds and a worg. We had fought some worg earlier and were not looking forward to trying with our melee line AND our spells gone.

I turned to my bag for ideas and marbles was the answer. Prestidigitation spell like ability let me telekenisis the marbles into a perfect grid without making any noise or exposing myself from around the corner. Net thing you know a charging worg slams into the wall and falls over with the stronger of the NPC's beating it savagely with a club and a staff.

The worg got back up to fight but the distraction lasted long enough to help us score a few hits without anyone getting their throat ripped out.

Fizzban wrote:

What gear is a must for you and your group? I going to say rope. Every member of almost every group I've been in has had rope. We don't start an adventure without it. You have a cave? You need rope. Sneaking in a fortress? You need rope. Cyrpt? Rope. Woods? Rope. City? Rope. To climb, to trip, to carry, to swim, to save, to burn rope, RoPe, ROPE.



alchemists fire
fishing hook and line
grappling hook
tanglefoot bag
acid flask
holy water

and my latest discovery in the 'goods' list

portable ram

Water and some means to carry it.
My first TPK (how we look back with pride) was through thirst.
Then rope.

Vinyl wrote:
Water and some means to carry it. My first TPK (how we look back with pride) was through thirst.

Pleasant memories, huh :/

Vinyl wrote:
Then rope.

Is that more gear to carry, or was it part of the TPK? My image of what happened to your party is getting somewhat gruesome.

This may highlight some ignorance on my part but I have been wondering, what does TPK stand for?
As for my essential gear:
Pints of oil (for coating a soon to be incinerated something)
10 tindertwigs (for lighting the oil)
Bedroll (to be covered in oil, lit on fire and then thrown on something like a swarm of spiders)
Alchemist's fire
a sack
a bag of holding
murlynd's spoon
and if I have a light enough load a crowbar.
I like the marble idea. How much would a bag of marbles weigh? How much does it cost?

TPK - Total Player Kill. Also known as a DM-gasim! ~WEG~

Marbles? Well, I lost mine a looonnnngggg time ago. I would guess that a bag of glass one would weigh about 1/4 of a pound. Metal ball bearing of the same size and amount, probably about 1/2 a pound. Just a guess, btw.

I was pleased to see that someone else has used the Spool of Endless Rope. ^ ^

My usual load...
Spool of Endless Rope
Collapsable grappling hook
Vials of Vicious Bleeder (applied to arrow for extra damage and aid in tracking)
Smugler's boots
Ball of twine
Spare bowstrings
Arrows - Flight, blunt, serpent tongue, signal, and alchemist versions
Map/scroll case
Ink vials + pen


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