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I know this subject has been beaten to death. But I recently got the shackled city adventure path and it is awesome. So I would love to see the trend continue. I know you have to get wizards go ahead and all I can say is I'll write\email them about it. But believe me I for one will buy this product as soon as it comes out...... if it ever does.

cthulhudarren |

I too am curious about the hardcover. I am worried that nothing has been said up to this point. It's way past due.
Can someone at Paizo post here and put our fears to rest by announcing that there will be a hardcover?
Wizards are probably afraid that an AOW hardback would eat into sales of their own upcoming superadventures (or whatever they're calling them). An AOW hardback may never happen then.

Gericko |

Thanks James for answering our question. :) Too bad. Shackled City is a blast!
While I'm near the subject. I'd love to see the "Flame" modules that have appeared in Dungeon (Starting in #1) appear again, updated for 3.5 rules. I think there's been three? I remember that the second one was "Out of the Ashes." The First one was called "Into the Fire."

Lord Vile |

While I'm near the subject. I'd love to see the "Flame" modules that have appeared in Dungeon (Starting in #1) appear again, updated for 3.5 rules. I think there's been three? I remember that the second one was "Out of the Ashes." The First one was called "Into the Fire."
Me too Gericko, but sadly I already asked Paizo about the Flame issues sometime ago and they told me there were too many complicated legal issues to go forward with that project. I think if you do a search under Dungeon adventures PDF you can find it.
A message to my fellow AOW fans, perhaps a boycott on Wizards products until they agree to let Paizo go ahead with AOW hardcover.
I know it would be difficult with some of the good looking supplements coming out but perhaps this is our only way to convince the "fat cats" at Wizards to give the players what they want?
They say money talks or in this case lack thereof.

MistaRyte |

Thanks James for answering our question. :) Too bad. Shackled City is a blast!
While I'm near the subject. I'd love to see the "Flame" modules that have appeared in Dungeon (Starting in #1) appear again, updated for 3.5 rules. I think there's been three? I remember that the second one was "Out of the Ashes." The First one was called "Into the Fire."
Out of the Ashes: #17
Old Embers Never Die: #100
meomwt |

We still don't have the go-ahead from WotC to start work on an AoW hardcover.
Well, start making them in your garage at weekends, then ;)
I'd still love to do one, but at this point it's looking increasigly unlikely that it'll ever happen.
Have they actually said "Stop asking," then? If not, ask them daily.
Better yet, ask them hourly. Or get one of us to do that.

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We still don't have the go-ahead from WotC to start work on an AoW hardcover. I'd still love to do one, but at this point it's looking increasigly unlikely that it'll ever happen.
A pity - the link to WotC is both a blessing and a curse. And a bit hypocritical - if they didn't want any competition and did want total control, why did they spin off Paizo anyway? I think that contract might need renegotiation.

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If you cant do a hard cover how about a PDF release?
James Jacobs wrote:We still don't have the go-ahead from WotC to start work on an AoW hardcover. I'd still love to do one, but at this point it's looking increasigly unlikely that it'll ever happen.A pity - the link to WotC is both a blessing and a curse. And a bit hypocritical - if they didn't want any competition and did want total control, why did they spin off Paizo anyway? I think that contract might need renegotiation.

Olaf the Stout |

Or tell us how we can "kill" their servers with requests...
What the hell could WotC have probably agains it...
WotC have started publishing more adventures lately. By ok'ing an AOW Hardcover they would be increasing the competition to their products. Since they want to sell more of their adventures they just keep delaying the approval of an AoW Hardcover.
Olaf the Stout

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WotC have started publishing more adventures lately. By ok'ing an AOW Hardcover they would be increasing the competition to their products. Since they want to sell more of their adventures they just keep delaying the approval of an AoW Hardcover.Olaf the Stout
Also, WOTC knows that the best adventures of this incarnation of D&D are being churned out by Paizo. If they would just tap into that potential for profit they could get a piece of the action and allow everyone involved to have what they want.
By their unrational treatment of the Greyhawk setting, I would say they want to limit competition on all fronts if they can, to sell more of their products.FH

Festivus |

Our license with WotC states that we can't do a PDF release of a magazine until it sells out. For a PDF Age of Worms, all 12 issues have to sell out first, and that's not going to happen any time soon.
Not to ruffle feathers, but there are still back issues of Dungeon 115 and 116 (and many others) available from your back issues store. Aren't those a part of the Shackled City AP?
I won't hold my breath, it would be cool but I do see the economic side of it.
edit: woops, misread that, you said PDF and not hardcover :) These aren't the droids you are looking for... move along.