The new Lavinia

Savage Tide Adventure Path

My FLGS still doesn't have issue 143 and so I was more than happ to see the supplement online. I have a question regarding Lavinia's new look. When did she become so adventurous? During the trip to the IoD or in the time the PCs are lost in the storm and she is alone in Farshore? I know she took a level in swashbuckler between TINH and BG, but as describe the sea journey between game sessions in emails I would be interested in this little detail.

Thanks in advance.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Aureus wrote:

My FLGS still doesn't have issue 143 and so I was more than happ to see the supplement online. I have a question regarding Lavinia's new look. When did she become so adventurous? During the trip to the IoD or in the time the PCs are lost in the storm and she is alone in Farshore? I know she took a level in swashbuckler between TINH and BG, but as describe the sea journey between game sessions in emails I would be interested in this little detail.

Thanks in advance.

Lavinia's more or less had the adventuring bug in her soul from the start, but until she starts hanging out with the PCs she doesn't have the corage to take up swashbuckler levels. She's been gaining levels (althoguh more slowly) ever since in swashbuckler. By Tides of Dread, she's an aristocrat 2/swashbuckler 6, aiming at the duelist prestige class.

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